

I'm trying to learn to use boost-build/bjam on a very simple little project using the boost program_options library.

I'm using a single JamRoot file for building on both Linux and Vista (both in 32 and 64 bit variants).


And, despite google, I can't find a sensible way to specify the lib in my jamroot.


For Linux, this works:

    exe bob : main.cpp boost_program_options ;


    lib boost_program_options : : <name>boost_program_options-mt-s ;


But obviously that hard-codes the name of the lib, so it only works correctly for one variant and doesn't work on Windows.

So I thought I could do something like:

  lib program_options : : <link>shared <threading>multi <variant>debug <toolset>msvc <name>boost_program_options-vc90-mt-gd-1_35



a) That just doesn't work.

b) boost-build doesn't seem to give me any way to distinguish between vc90 and vc80.


So how am I supposed to specify the boost libraries?

Surely it can't be this hard?



