On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 1:10 PM, Vladimir Prus <ghost@cs.msu.su> wrote:
On Tuesday 21 October 2008 13:47:14 Judith Wiesinger wrote:
> hi everybody,
> I have installed boost (version 1.36) on my new mac and when I want to
> compile any program using parts of the boost library I have got the
> following error message (please, find below - "Undefined symbols...").
> (remark: There is should be no problem with my own source code since it
> compiles fine on other systems.)
> Did I forget to set some environmental variables or where does this error
> come from?
> If anybody could help me with that it would be awesome.
> Thanks a lot,
> Judith
> *g++* -I /usr/local/include/boost-1_36/ FinancialEvent.cpp Trade.cpp
> Quote.cpp FileHandler.cpp FEventsPerMin.cpp FEventsPerDay.cpp
> FEventsPerStock.cpp FEventHandler.cpp Average.cpp AvgAndStdDev.cpp
> MainPgm.cpp -o realDataHandler.exe -L~/boost/lib/
> -lboost_iostreams-xgcc40-mt -lboost_filesystem-xgcc40-mt-1_36
> -lboost_filesystem-xgcc40-mt -dynamic
> *Undefined symbols*:
>   "boost::system::get_system_category()", referenced from:

The error message say that the symbols from the boost.system library are not
found. Does anything in your linker line call for boost.system to be included?
Why are you including boost.filesystem twice in the linker command line? Try
using just -lboost_filesystem-xgcc40-mt-1_36. Can you run

       ldd ~/boost/lib/libboost_filesystem-xgcc40-mt-1_36.so

- Volodya
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hi Volodya,

1) > Does anything in your linker line call for boost.system to be included?
Not that I know / How can I find out that? At the moment I am executing the cmd (s. below) directly from the cmdline within the directory where the src is located.

2) > Why are you including boost.filesystem twice in the linker command line? Try using just -lboost_filesystem-xgcc40-mt-1_36.
I get the same error when I just use -lboost_filesystem-xgcc40-mt-1_36 (see below).

g++ -I /usr/local/include/boost-1_36/ FinancialEvent.cpp Trade.cpp Quote.cpp FileHandler.cpp FEventsPerMin.cpp FEventsPerDay.cpp FEventsPerStock.cpp FEventHandler.cpp Average.cpp AvgAndStdDev.cpp MainPgm.cpp -o realDataHandler.exe -L~/boost/lib/ -lboost_iostreams-xgcc40-mt -lboost_filesystem-xgcc40-mt-1_36 -dynamic

3) > Can you run ldd ~/boost/lib/libboost_filesystem-xgcc40-mt-1_36.so
should I execute the cmd
ldd ~/boost/lib/libboost_filesystem-xgcc40-mt-1_36.so
at a special location or just from anywhere within the cmd-line?
If I execute it from anywhere I get the following...
mtec-hg-docking-1-dhcp-232:RealDataHandler JuWie$ ldd ~/boost/lib/libboost_filesystem-xgcc40-mt-1_36.so
-bash: ldd: command not found


PS.: should I always reply to the whole mailing list our just to your e-mail address?