I'm trying to build Boost with gcc 4.3.2 on cygwin.
I have added this to my user-config
using gcc : : : ;
using gcc : 4.3.2 : /bin/g++-4.exe ;
and I use the following bjam command
$ bjam toolset=gcc-4.3.2 target-os=cygwin threading=multi threadapi=pthread var
How can I be sure that I'm building with the correct compiler version?
I have tried with the -a option on both toolsets
$ bjam toolset=gcc-4.3.2 target-os=cygwin threading=multi threadapi=pthread var
iant=debug  -a
$ bjam toolset=gcc target-os=cygwin threading=multi threadapi=pthread var
iant=debug  -a
and I don't see any differences
    "g++"  -ftemplate-depth-128 -O0 -fno-inline -Wall -g -mthreads  -DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB=1 -DBOOST_TEST_NO_AUTO_LINK=1 -DBOOST_THREAD_POSIX -DBOOST_THREAD_USE_DLL=1 -DBOOST_THREAD_USE_LIB=1  -I"../../.." -I"../../../.." -c -o "C:\cygwin\home\Vicente\SVN\bin.v2\vbe_interthreads\libs\interthreads\test\multiple_algorithms.test\gcc-4.3.2\debug\threading-multi\multiple_algorithms.o" "C:\cygwin\home\Vicente\SVN\vbe_interthreads\libs\interthreads\example\multiple_algorithms.cpp"
What could be wrong on my configuration?
Thanks for your help,
