
I have something like this:

#Jamfile begin

use-project boost : $(BOOST) ;

variant 1 ;
variant 2 ;

alias incl: : <variant>1 : : <include>h1 <define>I1 ;
alias incl: : <variant>2 : : <include>h1 <define>I2 ;

lib base : [ glob *.cpp ] incl /boost//filesystem /boost//serialization /boost//program_options /boost//date_time ;

exe e1 : base/<variant>1 ;
exe e2 : base/<variant>2 ;

#Jamfile end

The problem with this is that the boost libs are built twice, one time for variant '1' and once more for variant '2' One can see I want the behavior of propagating the variant to "incl" and I don't want it to be propagated to the boost libs.
Is there a chance to 'reset' variants for targets manually or does anyone see another way to solve my problem without going into the depths of "Duplicate name of actual target".

Thanks a lot, Jan.