I noticed that there is some limited support for building objective-c code, but it doesn't seem like there is an appropriate scanner for the header dependencies of #import lines.

I added the following code to builtin.jam, which is just a copy of the c-scanner but replacing the code to match "include" with the code to match "import

I also added register and set-scanner lines.

I don't claim to be a Jam expert, so maybe someone can look over this, add some tests, and check it in.


class m-scanner : scanner
import path ;
import regex ;
import scanner ;
import sequence ;
import virtual-target ;

rule __init__ ( includes * )
scanner.__init__ ;

for local i in $(includes)
self.includes += [ sequence.transform path.native
: [ regex.split $(i:G=) "&&" ] ] ;

rule pattern ( )
return "#[ \t]*import[ ]*(<(.*)>|\"(.*)\")" ;

rule process ( target : matches * : binding )
local angle = [ regex.transform $(matches) : "<(.*)>" ] ;
local quoted = [ regex.transform $(matches) : "\"(.*)\"" ] ;

# CONSIDER: the new scoping rule seem to defeat "on target" variables.
local g = [ on $(target) return $(HDRGRIST) ] ;
local b = [ NORMALIZE_PATH $(binding:D) ] ;

# Attach binding of including file to included targets. When a target is
# directly created from virtual target this extra information is
# unnecessary. But in other cases, it allows us to distinguish between
# two headers of the same name included from different places. We do not
# need this extra information for angle includes, since they should not
# depend on including file (we can not get literal "." in include path).
local g2 = $(g)"#"$(b) ;

angle = $(angle:G=$(g)) ;
quoted = $(quoted:G=$(g2)) ;

local all = $(angle) $(quoted) ;

INCLUDES $(target) : $(all) ;
NOCARE $(all) ;
SEARCH on $(angle) = $(self.includes:G=) ;
SEARCH on $(quoted) = $(b) $(self.includes:G=) ;

# Just propagate the current scanner to includes in hope that includes
# do not change scanners.
scanner.propagate $(__name__) : $(angle) $(quoted) : $(target) ;

ISFILE $(angle) $(quoted) ;

scanner.register m-scanner : include ;

type.set-scanner OBJECTIVE_C : m-scanner ;
type.set-scanner OBJECTIVE_CPP : m-scanner ;
type.set-scanner OBJECTIVE_C : c-scanner ;
type.set-scanner OBJECTIVE_CPP : c-scanner ;