On Monday 30 March 2009 16:07:46 Алексей М. Бадяев wrote:
Sorry for my bad English please.
I have my own generator (similar as headers-to-doxyfile rule in doxygen.jam)
And in the rule, named same as corresponding action, I need full path to
sources, provided to generator.
Below is text of my rule. But my code is not work - $(files) is emty...
Help me please solve this problem.
rule headers-to-projfile ( target : sources * : properties * )
local text "# Generated by Boost.Build version 2" ;
local output-dir = [ on $(target) return $(LOCATE) ] ;
text += "OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = \"$(output-dir)\"" ;
local files ;
for local src in $(sources) {
files += [ on $(src) return $(LOCATE) ] ;
The LOCATE variable is only set for generated targets, not for leaf targets. In
fact, the rule/action pair that is used to build the final build command is a
slightly lower level than you need. I suggest you define your own generator
class, and then the 'run' method will be passed a list of virtual-target objects.
Those have the 'path' method.