I’m trying to build the boost lib for serialization first time on Unix platform using aCC compiler.

I’m getting following error. (I’m also attaching the complete build.log file)


acc.compile.c++ /tmp/build-boost/boost/bin.v2/libs/serialization/build/acc/release/threading-multi/


aCC: warning 901: unknown option: `-3': use +help for online documentation.

Error 119: "./boost/config/compiler/hp_acc.hpp", line 84 # #error "Compiler option '+hpxstd98' is r

equired for proper support"

    #     error "Compiler option '+hpxstd98' is required for proper suppor


As per Error 119, I think I need to add some options like

CFLAGS = +inst_implicit_include +W2009,2186,2191,2236,2815,2174 -g0 -AA +hpxstd98 -DSTD_IS_DEFINED


What options are needed to compile and where?


Thank You

Sonal Sheth


Elements of Success
