WARNING: No python installation configured and autoconfiguration failed. See http://www.boost.org/libs/python/doc/building.html for configuration instructions or pass --without-python to suppress this message and silently skip all Boost.Python targets Building C++ Boost. After the build, the headers will be located at /home/intas/sonal/boost_1_39_0 The libraries will be located at /home/intas/sonal/boost_1_39_0/stage/lib Use 'bjam install --prefix=' if you wish to install headers and libraries to a different location and remove the source tree. ...patience... ...found 971 targets... ...updating 121 targets... acc.compile.c++ /tmp/build-boost/boost/bin.v2/libs/serialization/build/acc/release/threading-multi/basic_archive.o aCC: warning 901: unknown option: `-3': use +help for online documentation. Error 119: "./boost/config/compiler/hp_acc.hpp", line 84 # #error "Compiler option '+hpxstd98' is required for proper support" # error "Compiler option '+hpxstd98' is required for proper suppor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Warning (anachronism) 823: "./boost/mpl/if.hpp", line 131 # Redundant preprocessing concatenation operation results in two valid preprocessing tokens. Depending on this implementation defined behavior will result in non-portable code. BOOST_MPL_AUX_NA_SPEC(3, if_) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Warning (anachronism) 823: "./boost/mpl/if.hpp", line 131 # Redundant preprocessing concatenation operation results in two valid preprocessing tokens. Depending on this implementation defined behavior will result in non-portable code. BOOST_MPL_AUX_NA_SPEC(3, if_) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Warning (anachronism) 823: "./boost/mpl/if.hpp", line 131 # Redundant preprocessing concatenation operation results in two valid preprocessing tokens. Depending on this implementation defined behavior will result in non-portable code. BOOST_MPL_AUX_NA_SPEC(3, if_) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Warning (anachronism) 823: "./boost/mpl/if.hpp", line 131 # Redundant preprocessing concatenation operation results in two valid preprocessing tokens. Depending on this implementation defined behavior will result in non-portable code. BOOST_MPL_AUX_NA_SPEC(3, if_) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Warning (anachronism) 823: "./boost/mpl/if.hpp", line 131 # Redundant preprocessing concatenation operation results in two valid preprocessing tokens. Depending on this implementation defined behavior will result in non-portable code. BOOST_MPL_AUX_NA_SPEC(3, if_) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Warning (anachronism) 823: "./boost/mpl/eval_if.hpp", line 67 # Redundant preprocessing concatenation operation results in two valid preprocessing tokens. Depending on this implementation defined behavior will result in non-portable code. BOOST_MPL_AUX_NA_SPEC(3, eval_if) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Warning (anachronism) 823: "./boost/mpl/eval_if.hpp", line 67 # Redundant preprocessing concatenation operation results in two valid preprocessing tokens. Depending on this implementation defined behavior will result in non-portable code. BOOST_MPL_AUX_NA_SPEC(3, eval_if) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Warning (anachronism) 823: "./boost/mpl/eval_if.hpp", line 67 # Redundant preprocessing concatenation operation results in two valid preprocessing tokens. Depending on this implementation defined behavior will result in non-portable code. BOOST_MPL_AUX_NA_SPEC(3, eval_if) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Warning (anachronism) 823: "./boost/mpl/eval_if.hpp", line 67 # Redundant preprocessing concatenation operation results in two valid preprocessing tokens. Depending on this implementation defined behavior will result in non-portable code. BOOST_MPL_AUX_NA_SPEC(3, eval_if) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Warning (anachronism) 823: "./boost/mpl/eval_if.hpp", line 67 # Redundant preprocessing concatenation operation results in two valid preprocessing tokens. Depending on this implementation defined behavior will result in non-portable code. BOOST_MPL_AUX_NA_SPEC(3, eval_if) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Error 24: "./boost/serialization/level.hpp", line 86 # ':' expected instead of '::'. >::type type; ^^ Error 585: "./boost/serialization/level.hpp", line 86 # Expected an operator before 'type'. >::type type; ^^^^ Error 172: "./boost/serialization/level.hpp", line 86 # Undeclared variable 'type'. >::type type; ^^^^