
I thought that I got around this before: a set of OBJ that are to be linked into several different EXE with different LIBs.  Most of my LIBs are static and perhaps that's why I thought I'd solved this problem:

lib jvm : : <name>jvm <search>/develop/tools/jdk1.6.0_13/jre/lib/sparc ;

exe foo : [ glob *.c ] jvm ;
exe fie : [ glob *.c ] ;

if bjam tries to process both exe targets, the error is

boost-build/build/virtual-target.jam:996: in virtual-target.register-actual-name from module virtual-target
error: Duplicate name of actual target: <pbin/sun/debug/architecture-sparc/instruction-set-v9>fetchrow.o
error: previous virtual target { sun%sun.compile.c-fetchrow.o.OBJ { /home/jbito/workspace/ads/ADS/sqlbinding/fetchrow.c.C } }
error: created from ./foo
error: another virtual target { sun%sun.compile.c-fetchrow.o.OBJ { /home/jbito/workspace/ads/ADS/sqlbinding/fetchrow.c.C } }
error: created from ./fie
error: added properties:  none
error: removed properties:  <dll-path>/develop/tools/jdk1.6.0_13/jre/lib/sparc <library-path>/develop/tools/jdk1.6.0_13/jre/lib/sparc <xdll-path>/develop/tools/jdk1.6.0_13/jre/lib/sparc

if either EXE target is built from the command-line, the second will not compile the source (as desired).  The question is: "Can I stop the <dll...> and <xdll...> properties from propogating in this way?  It's nice that dependencies propopagate with LIB usage, but the OBJ should not get tagged with these dependencies, only the EXE.

For now, I'll make different directories for the two EXEs, but that's an ugly hack - the OBJs should be built once and linked to both EXEs.

Please let me know if I'm missing something!
