> I have a directory hierarchy. In some of my sub directories I have exe
> that i want to install. In the jam file I have:
> install install : client : <location>$SMS_INSTALL_DIR ;
> explicit install ;
> So if I am in that directory I do:
> bjam install
> hey presto, everything works.
> However I now want to do the same thing at the top level.
> If I do bjam install at the top level, i get:
> notice: could not find main target install
> notice: assuming it is a name of file to create.
> don't know how to make <e>install
> ...found 1 target...
> ...can't find 1 target...
> Is there an easy way to get bjam to install hierarchically ?

Steve wrote:

>Each Jamfile needs to list the subprojects to install.
>alias install : subdirectory1//install subdirectory2//install ;
>explicit install ;

Ok, it did not fail, but it does not work as expected.
Running bjam install , now installs relative to subdirectory1/
In my case I have added,

alias install : Server//install Client//install ;
explicit install ;

To my JamRoot.jam file, since I have the following in my Server and Client sub directories:

install install : server : <location>$SMS_INSTALL_DIR ;
explicit install ;

However when I run bjam install from my root directory; i get:

 bjam -d2 install
...found 6768 targets...
...updating 4 targets...
common.mkdir Server/$SMS_INSTALL_DIR

        mkdir -p "Server/$SMS_INSTALL_DIR"
gcc.link Server/$SMS_INSTALL_DIR/server

    "g++"    -o "Server/$SMS_INSTALL_DIR/server" -Wl,--start-group  .......

common.mkdir Client/$SMS_INSTALL_DIR

        mkdir -p "Client/$SMS_INSTALL_DIR"
gcc.link Client/$SMS_INSTALL_DIR/client

    "g++"    -o "Client/$SMS_INSTALL_DIR/client" -Wl,--start-group  ......

It seems to ignore ignore the <location> and installs relative to the sub directories Server/Client, and not at the
absolute location  defined by the environment $SMS_INSTALL_DIR

  Best regards,