
We are customizing a COTS product. One of the provided extension points is a shared library. The vendor provides an archive lib containing all the objects in the shared lib, but only a subset of the source code. We found we need to update the shared lib, and would like to do so within the context of our existing boost-build project, which we use to create builds on both win32 and hp-ux ia64.

The vendor's basic instructions are:
- extract objects from static lib
- rebuild appropriate objects
- link all objects into shared lib

Here is what I think I need to do:
- Create a notfile rule and corresponding action to extract the objects. How can I have them extracted to the correct build variant directory? E.g., bin/acc/Debug64
- Create a lib rule that will use my .c file and the extracted objects as sources. How do I tell the rule to use the objects down in the correct build dir? E.g, bin/acc/Debug64/*.o

Is there just a better way to this?
