Hi Volodya,

2009/11/8 Vladimir Prus <ghost@cs.msu.su>
> > Explicitly specifying macosx-version=10.6 should have the desired effect.
> >
> Looks like it does not ("-arch ppc64" highlighted with asterisks):
> bjam toolset=darwin threading=multi link=shared runtime-link=shared
> --with-system architecture=combined address-model=32_64 macosx-version=10.6
> macosx-version-min=10.6 stage --stagedir=. variant=release -d+2

Aha. I've misquoted '.' when splitting version number.

Works now.
> It seems that for both macosx-version and macosx-version-min, it defaults to
> the OS X version of the build machine. I will try to find more info on this.
> To find out the OS X version at runtime, it's possible to issue this
> command:
> $ /usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion
> 10.6.1

I have modified patch to invoke this, and use the result if no version is
explicitly specified.


Oh, one more thing (and a funny one): errors on issuing an error message:

$ bjam toolset=darwin threading=multi link=shared runtime-link=shared --with-system architecture=combined address-model=64 stage --stagedir=. variant=release -d+2 && echo "Report: `lipo -info lib/*`"
/Users/boris/Downloads/boost_1_40_0/tools/build/v2/tools/darwin.jam:321: in setup-address-model
rule errors.user-error unknown in module darwin.

(this is the case when it detected 64-bit PPC compilation targetting 10.6 and wants to issue errors.user-error "64-bit PPC compilation is not supported when targeting OSX 10.6 or later")

Thanks for tirelessly supporting a platform you can't test on and which I use!