Avi Bahra wrote:
> I am trying to set compiler options on the AIX in a similar manner to gcc,
> but is has no effect.
> i.e
> using vacpp  :  :  : <compileflags>-p ;
> What have i missed ?

Volodya wrote:
>What version of Boost.Build are you using and how does the function 'init'
>in vacpp.jam look?
>- Volodya


I am using the 'out of box'  bjam and have not made any changes.

For the bjam version I have:
#bjam -v
Boost.Jam  Version 3.1.17. OS=AIX.

 For function init,  the file vacpp.jam was located within boost at:

# Configure the vacpp toolset
rule init ( version ? : command * : options * )
    local condition = [
        common.check-init-parameters vacpp : version $(version) ] ;
    command = [ common.get-invocation-command vacpp : xlC
        : $(command) : "/usr/vacpp/bin/xlC" ] ;
    common.handle-options vacpp : $(condition) : $(command) : $(options) ;

  Best regards,