I am new to python, I have copied an existing jam file
However this runs the test with the build.
Currently I am envisioning that I will end up
with a huge number of test to run. Hence I do
not want to run them when building the project.
Here is the sample jamfile

# A little "rule" (function) to clean up the syntax of declaring tests
# of these extension modules.
local rule run-test ( test-name : sources + )
    import testing ;
    testing.make-test run-pyd : $(sources) : : $(test-name) ;

# Declare test targets
run-test ecf : ecf_ext  [ glob src/Defs.py ] ;
run-test ecf2 : ecf_ext [ glob src/Client.py ] ;
run-test TestDefs : ecf_ext [ glob test/TestDefs.py ] ;

Hence I need a way of running tests, ecf,ecf2,TestDefs on the command line ?
Is this possible as the run-test also defines the python file to execute ?
Any help appreciated

  Best regards,