 Is it possible in bjam to restrict target directory to generators features? I can better state the problem with an example.  Lets
say I have two  generators G1 (maps .foo to  .g1), G2 (maps .g1 to .g2), with corresponding feature F1, F2.

If I import both generators than then the target directory is bin/debug/F1-f1/F2-f2 even if I am activating G1 generator.

Ideally what I would like is the output be restricted by the generators features i.e
let say I have

g1 xx.g1 : xx.foo
   : <F1> f1


g2 xx.g2 : xx.g1
    : <F2>f2
then the target for g1 should be /bin/debug/F1-f1/,
and target for g2 should  be bin/debug/F1-fi/F2-f2 and it should look for g1 in directory bin/debug/F1-fi/F2-f2.

Is there a way to configure bjam to adopt the later policy?.
