I am experimenting with boost python, and am using the
the run-test function in the jam file.
However I cant get my python tests to read the common
definitions declared in my python extensions __init.py__ file

At the moment I am working round the problem, by coping and pasting
the common code into each of my python tests.

I have the following directory structure:

       // cpp and header files for python extension called _ecf


       TestClient.py  // python test files

I want my python test file to be able to access the common
functions defined in ecf/__init.py__.

My Jamfile look like:
local rule run-test ( test-name : sources + )
    testing.make-test run-pyd : $(sources) : : $(test-name) ;

# Declare test targets
run-test TestClient     : _ecf [ glob test/TestClient.py ] ;

In order to pull in the __init.py__ i tried:

run-test TestClient     : _ecf [ glob test/TestClient.py ]  [ glob ecf/__init.py__ ] ;

but this lead to the following error:

/var/tmp/ma0/boost/boost_1_42_0/tools/build/v2/build/generators.jam:1113: in ensure-type from module generators
error: target { ecf/__init.py__. } has no type
/var/tmp/ma0/boost/boost_1_42_0/tools/build/v2/build/generators.jam:1347: in generators.construct from module generators
/var/tmp/ma0/boost/boost_1_42_0/tools/build/v2/build/targets.jam:1495: in construct from module object(typed-target)@181
/var/tmp/ma0/boost/boost_1_42_0/tools/build/v2/build/targets.jam:1297: in object(typed-target)@181.generate from module object(typed-target)@181
/var/tmp/ma0/boost/boost_1_42_0/tools/build/v2/build/targets.jam:732: in generate-really from module object(main-target)@690
/var/tmp/ma0/boost/boost_1_42_0/tools/build/v2/build/targets.jam:704: in object(main-target)@690.generate from module object(main-target)@690
/var/tmp/ma0/boost/boost_1_42_0/tools/build/v2/build-system.jam:735: in load from module build-system
/var/tmp/ma0/boost/boost_1_42_0/tools/build/v2/kernel/modules.jam:283: in import from module modules
/var/tmp/ma0/boost/boost_1_42_0/tools/build/v2/kernel/bootstrap.jam:142: in boost-build from module
/var/tmp/ma0/clientRoot/workspace/MyProject/boost-build.jam:18: in module scope from module

I tried other variation but all to no-avail.
Any help appreciated.

   Best regards,