
This is what  i'm doing with the students function. It's really just a simple call. It's the first thing i do after declaration of variables in my function.

double degreesOfFreedom = n - m;
double tProb = 0.05;

tTestCutoff = boost::math::detail::inverse_students_t_tail_series(degreesOfFreedom, tProb, myPolicy());

n and m are inputs of my function.

Now in the header file i do:

#include "boost/math/special_functions/detail/t_distribution_inv.hpp"
#include "boost/math/constants/constants.hpp"
#include "boost/math/tools/promotion.hpp"

using namespace boost::math;

typedef boost::math::policies::policy<> myPolicy;

That's really the only use i'm doing of the function.



> From: boost.regex@virgin.net
> To: boost-build@lists.boost.org
> Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2010 17:34:57 +0100
> Subject: Re: [Boost-build] Boost.build : Linking problem when using inverse_students_t_tail_series() in vc++
> >In fact i didn't declare tgamma_delta_ratio because it is called by the
> >inverse_students_t_tail_series() function.
> >I did include <boost/math/distributions/students_t.hpp> header though but i
> >still have the error.
> Can you please post a minimal example that shows the problem?
> Thanks, John.
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