I'm working through updating msvc.jam to better support VC9 and VC10, primarily so that intel-win.jam works more cleanly for Intel C++ 11 and 12. Right now I'm concentrating on VC10 and Intel C++ 12, because that is my target platform. It looks like the last substantial revision to msvc.jam was for VC8, although it still works well for VC9 and VC10. The changes I've made work  well; my next post is to Intel about "internal error: 0_1374", which seems to be a catch-all. My overall goal is to better support the new target architectures and optimization features available in VC10 and Intel C++ 12. 

I'm new here, so I wanted to make sure that 1) I'm not duplicating work; 2) I'm following the appropriate procedure. Any guidance is appreciated.
