i'm using the C++ boost libraries ..& i'm struggling with iteration macros' ..
# include BOOST_PP_ITERATE()
is the function.hpp file .. the macro BOOST_PP_ITERATION_PARAMS_1
should pass the path of function_iterate.hpp to the BOOST_PP_ITERATE()
to iterate the forward1.hpp file ..
the thing is .. by using this path .. i got that error
fatal error: boost/preprocessor/iteration/detail/iter/forward1.hpp: No such file or directory
i posted about it on codeguru
& i asked around for it and i got this thought not to use sub directories ..
so when i used this path
it could see the forward1.hpp file but i got an error in it in the BOOST_PP_FILENAME_1 macro
No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
now i don't
know what to do .... i tried every thing i know .. i even tried out of
despration to pass the hardcode path to the macro definition manually
but nothing changed ..
what am i missing ???
any ideas ?