Dear Boost experts,

I would like to compile the Boost libraries using AMD's version of the open64 compiler (for C++ it's called openCC). Unfortunately there is no predefined toolset for this compiler (Boost v1.46-1) and I don't really get how to manually force bjam to use this compiler. Preferably with optimization options -Ofast (or -O3 if-need-be)
I've tried building a custom version of bjam, tricking it by giving the toolset as 'using gcc : 4.2.5 : /usr/local/bin/openCC : <cxxflags>"-O3" ; ' in the user-config.jam file located in the /tools/build/v2 subdirectory. This works at first, but when trying to apply this custom bjam to the building of the libraries themselves I get conflicting -O0 and -Ofast option errors.

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Best regards,