
I don't know how to do it with the approach you suggest. What I do is build all Boost libraries and install them in a given path, that will be platform dependent. Later I add the following to the Jamroot of my project:

path-constant TOP : . ;
use-project /lib : $(TOP) ;

constant PLATFORM : [ os.environ PLATFORM ] ;

if $(PLATFORM) = mingw
    constant boost_inc_path : "c:\\msys\\1.0\\local\\include\\boost-1.45" ;
    constant boost_debug_lib_path : "c:\\msys\\1.0\\local\\lib\\boost-1.45d_gcc-4.5.0" ;
    constant boost_release_lib_path : "c:\\msys\\1.0\\local\\lib\\boost-1.45r_gcc-4.5.0" ;
    constant boost_debug_suffix : "-mgw45-mt-d-1_45" ;
    constant boost_release_suffix : "-mgw45-mt-1_45" ;
    constant boost_needed_libs : z ole32 oleaut32 ws2_32 ; 
else if $(PLATFORM) = linux
    constant boost_inc_path : "/usr/include/boost-1.45" ;
    constant boost_debug_lib_path : "/usr/lib/boost-1.45d_gcc-4.5.2" ;
    constant boost_release_lib_path : "/usr/lib/boost-1.45r_gcc-4.5.2" ;
    constant boost_debug_suffix : "" ;
    constant boost_release_suffix : "" ;
    constant boost_needed_libs : z ; 
else if $(PLATFORM) = mac
    constant boost_inc_path : "/opt/local/include" ;
    constant boost_debug_lib_path : "/opt/local/lib" ;
    constant boost_release_lib_path : "/opt/local/lib" ;
    constant boost_debug_suffix : "-mt" ;
    constant boost_release_suffix : "-mt" ;
    constant boost_needed_libs : z ; 
lib $(boost_needed_libs) : : <link>shared ;
alias boost_debug_common : $(boost_needed_libs) : <variant>debug : : <linkflags>"-L\"$(boost_debug_lib_path)\"" <include>$(boost_inc_path) ;
alias boost_release_common : $(boost_needed_libs) : <variant>release : : <linkflags>"-L\"$(boost_release_lib_path)\"" <include>$(boost_inc_path) ;

# define external library (how to find lib and where to look for include files)
lib _boost_iostreams_debug : : <name>boost_iostreams$(boost_debug_suffix) <search>$(boost_debug_lib_path) <variant>debug : ;
lib _boost_iostreams_release : : <name>boost_iostreams$(boost_release_suffix) <search>$(boost_release_lib_path) <variant>release : ;
alias boost_iostreams : _boost_iostreams_debug boost_debug_common : <link>shared <variant>debug : :  ;
alias boost_iostreams : _boost_iostreams_release boost_release_common : <link>shared <variant>release : : ;
alias boost_iostreams : _boost_iostreams_debug boost_debug_common : <link>static <variant>debug : :  ;
alias boost_iostreams : _boost_iostreams_release boost_release_common : <link>static <variant>release : : ;

The last part about IOSTREAMS should be repeated for every non-just-headers Boost library you need to use. Later, in the Jamfile of the library or executable, I would use it as follows:

exe myapp : somesource.cpp /lib//boost_iostreams ;


2011/6/30 Benjamin Lindley <benjameslindley@gmail.com>
I just got started with Boost.Build.  I've managed to get simple self contained projects with no outside dependencies working.  Now I'm trying to figure out how to link with other libraries, starting with boost.  This is what I have tried:

Boost is installed in /Dev/C++/lib/boost_1_46_1
My project directory is /Dev/C++/test/hello

In my project directory is hello.cpp, and Jamroot.jam.


exe hello : hello.cpp ../../lib/boost_1_46_1 ;

Then I try to build with this command:

bjam toolset=gcc release

Am I doing that right?  I get the following output.

configure.jam: No such file or directory
..\..\lib\boost_1_46_1\Jamroot:219: in modules.load
rule configure.register-components unknown in module Jamfile</C:/Users/Cold/Dev/C++/lib/boost_1_46_1>.
C:/Users/Cold/Dev/C++/boost-build/build\project.jam:312: in load-jamfile
C:/Users/Cold/Dev/C++/boost-build/build\project.jam:68: in load
C:/Users/Cold/Dev/C++/boost-build/build\project.jam:170: in project.find
C:/Users/Cold/Dev/C++/boost-build/build\targets.jam:394: in find-really
C:/Users/Cold/Dev/C++/boost-build/build\targets.jam:410: in object(project-target)@33.find
C:/Users/Cold/Dev/C++/boost-build/build\targets.jam:861: in resolve-reference
C:/Users/Cold/Dev/C++/boost-build/build\targets.jam:880: in targets.generate-from-reference
C:/Users/Cold/Dev/C++/boost-build/build\targets.jam:1170: in generate-dependencies
C:/Users/Cold/Dev/C++/boost-build/build\targets.jam:1224: in object(typed-target)@34.generate
C:/Users/Cold/Dev/C++/boost-build/build\targets.jam:765: in generate-really
C:/Users/Cold/Dev/C++/boost-build/build\targets.jam:738: in object(main-target)@39.generate
C:/Users/Cold/Dev/C++/boost-build/build\targets.jam:255: in object(project-target)@33.generate
C:/Users/Cold/Dev/C++/boost-build\build-system.jam:414: in load
C:\Users\Cold\Dev\C++\boost-build/kernel\modules.jam:261: in import
C:\Users\Cold\Dev\C++\boost-build\kernel\bootstrap.jam:132: in boost-build
C:\Users\Cold\Dev\C++\boost-build.jam:1: in module scope
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