Hi Paul,

On 16 July 2011 14:36, Paul A. Bristow <pbristow@hetp.u-net.com> wrote:
Getting started says

5.3.1   Install Boost.Build

Boost.Build is a text-based system for developing, testing, and installing software. First, you'll
need to build and install it. To do this:

   Go to the directory tools\build\v2\.
   Run bootstrap.bat
   Run b2 install --prefix=PREFIX where PREFIX is the directory where you want Boost.Build to be
   Add PREFIX\bin to your PATH environment variable.

I've done steps one and two (though I don't know what step two does),

Step 2 (ie. run bootstrap.bat) builds bjam, and the apparently identical "b2.exe".

but I don't understand the instructions for "Run b2 install ..." 

I've got a shiny new b2.exe (and a bjam.exe that looks the same) in my I:\boost-trunk\tools\build\v2

Where should I chose for PREFIX, and why?

PREFIX is essentially the same as the --prefix used in configure scripts. Nothing new there. I might be missing what the confusion is here, except for the fact that "b2" seems to have unexpectedly usurped "bjam" (although both are created). Of course, a mention that --prefix is optional would be useful.
Do I really need to do anything other than add I:\boost-trunk\tools\build\v2 to my path?

Are these sensible?  (And/Or useful?)

C:\Users\Paul>set boost

If you have BOOST_ROOT set then that should be enough to build the whole of boost. The only other of those env variables I recognise is BOOST_BUILD_PATH, which usually defaults to "$BOOST_ROOT/tools/build/v2", so in this case is superfluous. I'd recommend not adding $BOOST_BUILD_PATH (whatever it is) to your build path, because it might just get in the way of per-project Boost.Build versioning should you have the need (honestly, it's not unheard of). I have found adding a boost-build.jam in the root of your project directory that points to the build directory more predictable.
PS I don't feel I've been told about b2 versus bjam?

I just noticed this today too. I'm not sure what the rationale is myself, nor can I find anything on the boost website (or Boost.Build release notes - assuming the 2 is a reference to BBv2) about this. It's a pity that bjam is now competing with the stealth bomber and basic vitamins in web searches. :)
