
can't test the following steps at home now, but that's almost how i did it at work.
you need to apply the build_intel_win_v2.patch file or use the attached intel-win.jam file. Replace the original file under <boost-source-directory>\tools\build\v2\tools .
Place the intel-user-config.jam in the <boost-source-directory>.
The intel-user-config.jam configures the intel compiler and uses the environment variable ICPP_COMPILER12 from intel compiler installation. If you don't want boost build with c++0x feature enabled, remove the <cxxflags>/Qstd=c++0x .
The steps in paragraph 5.3 ( http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_47_0/more/getting_started/windows.html ) needs to be changed a little.
Open a command prompt and execute the bootstrap command.
The b2 command needs to be changed to b2 --user-config=intel-user-config.jam --toolset=intel



Am 08.11.2011 11:58, schrieb Norbert Hauck:
I confess I'm throwing the towel. For more than half a day I tried to figure out how to setup Intels C++ compiler to compile boost. All to no avail! Now after some "wild" googling I found the following issue:


The ticket was files 8 months ago - still there seems to be no official fix or even an documentation update in "getting started" or boost.build docu mentioning an issue with boost/msvc10/win7/intel compiler 12!


Provided a clean install of MSVC and Intel Composer could a kind soul describe ALL the steps involved I have to take to be able to compile the boost libs \w Intel C++ v12 ? Thank you very much!


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