I think I must have a basic misunderstanding or incorrect configuration, but I am not able to build 64-bit Boost libraries. The example below is for the Thread library, but the Chrono lib had the same error (but on error_code.cpp). For history, I have compiled the 32-bit versions fine.

If it matters, the host processor is 32-bit OS (64-bit Intel proc?) and I want to cross-compile for 64-bit OS and 64-bit Intel / Xeon proc.
[user@machine boost_1_47_0]$ cat /etc/issue
Scientific Linux SL release 4.9 (Beryllium)
Kernel \r on an \m

[user@machine boost_1_47_0]$ uname -a
Linux machine 2.6.9-89.0.20.EL #1 Tue Feb 2 19:06:41 CST 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux


p.s. I searched the boost.build archives for "64-bit mode not compiled in" and found relevant.

[user@machine boost_1_47_0]$ ./bjam --with-thread address-model=64

Building the Boost C++ Libraries.

Component configuration:

    - chrono                   : not building
    - date_time                : not building
    - exception                : not building
    - filesystem               : not building
    - graph                    : not building
    - graph_parallel           : not building
    - iostreams                : not building
    - math                     : not building
    - mpi                      : not building
    - program_options          : not building
    - python                   : not building
    - random                   : not building
    - regex                    : not building
    - serialization            : not building
    - signals                  : not building
    - system                   : not building
    - test                     : not building
    - thread                   : building
    - wave                     : not building

...found 523 targets...
...updating 16 targets...
common.mkdir bin.v2/libs/thread/build/gcc-3.4.6/release/address-model-64
common.mkdir bin.v2/libs/thread/build/gcc-3.4.6/release/address-model-64/threading-multi
common.mkdir bin.v2/libs/thread/build/gcc-3.4.6/release/address-model-64/threading-multi/pthread
gcc.compile.c++ bin.v2/libs/thread/build/gcc-3.4.6/release/address-model-64/threading-multi/pthread/thread.o
libs/thread/src/pthread/thread.cpp:1: sorry, unimplemented: 64-bit mode not compiled in

    "g++"  -ftemplate-depth-128 -O3 -finline-functions -Wno-inline -Wall -pthread -fPIC -m64 -Wno-long-long -DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB=1 -DBOOST_THREAD_BUILD_DLL=1 -DBOOST_THREAD_POSIX -DNDEBUG  -I"." -c -o "bin.v2/libs/thread/build/gcc-3.4.6/release/address-model-64/threading-multi/pthread/thread.o" "libs/thread/src/pthread/thread.cpp"