I asked a similar question a while ago.  Please see http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/Is-there-a-way-to-de-register-a-suffix-td3920186.html.  There Vladimir suggested to 'cast' the types explicitly.  I haven't got a chance to try that though.  (I simply change the PREPROCESSED_C suffix from .i to .ii, as a hack.)

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 10:13 AM, lepere <renaud.lepere@alma.fr> wrote:
I'm using Swig and bbv2 and i use .i as suffix for swig input file. This was working well in the past but with latest bbv2 i got an error : preprocessed.jam already define this suffix.

type.register SWIG : i ;
generators.register-standard alma.swig : SWIG : CPP ;

feature.feature swig-options : : free ;
toolset.flags alma.swig OPTIONS <swig-options> ;

rule swig { }
actions swig {
       swig  $(OPTIONS) -o $(<) $(>)

C:/Renaud/alma/BuildTools/bbv2/build\type.jam:123: in register-suffixes from module type
error: Attempting to specify multiple types for suffix "i"
error: Old type PREPROCESSED_C, New type SWIG
C:/Renaud/alma/BuildTools/bbv2/build\type.jam:58: in type.register from module type

What should i do ?
- Change my swig suffix to something more explicit (.swig_i)
- or can i disable PREPROCESSED_C.



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