Hi Steven,
              Thanks for that info. But i was wondering what is that we have under regression/test of boost folder?
Also could you please let me know what is the search order or how does bjam tool works? I had thought it is like a make tool that searches for Makefile, bjam searches for Jamfile.v2 , i just want to confirm whether my understanding is correct? Also i read from boost.org that bjam first searches for boost-build.jam in a present dir and if not found it searches until the top dir...and later it search for bootstrap.jam and later which creates user-config.jam and site-config.jam. So later when i traced the path to see what user-config or site-config contains...it is just a few setting out of which they are commented too. Sorry for so many questions.

On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 6:19 PM, Steven Watanabe <watanabesj@gmail.com> wrote:

On 04/02/2012 10:51 PM, sukruth hv wrote:
> Hi,
>     I am new to this mailing list. So i have already built the boost libs
> and now i want to check the regression test and so i use bjam to do so like
> this:-
> ./bjam --toolset=intel-linux  tools/regression/test/
> and it reports many failed and skipped targets:-
> "failed intel-linux.link
> bin.v2/tools/regression/test/run_fail.test/intel-linux/debug/run_fail...
> ...skipped
> <pbin.v2/tools/regression/test/run_fail.test/intel-linux/debug>run_fail.run
> for lack of
> <pbin.v2/tools/regression/test/run_fail.test/intel-linux/debug>run_fail...
> "
> Can someone throw some light on this?

The regression tests are actually in status/.
Also, you've snipped the error message from
the compiler, so it's hard to tell what's wrong.

In Christ,
Steven Watanabe
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Sukruth H.V