What does this mean?


HDRSCAN out of date for resource.h

real  : (([^ ]+[ ]+(BITMAP|CURSOR|FONT|ICON|MESSAGETABLE|RT_MANIFEST)[ ]+([^ "]+|"[^"]+"))|(#include[ ]*(<[^<]+>|"[^"]+")))

cached: #[     ]*include[ ]*(<(.*)>|"(.*)")

HDRSCAN out of date for resource.h

real  : #[     ]*include[ ]*(<(.*)>|"(.*)")

cached: (([^ ]+[ ]+(BITMAP|CURSOR|FONT|ICON|MESSAGETABLE|RT_MANIFEST)[ ]+([^ "]+|"[^"]+"))|(#include[ ]*(<[^<]+>|"[^"]+")))


Just appeared with SVN 77778





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