I am trying to use bjam (boost 1.47) with  pure mpi (no boost MPI).

I have a placed 'using mpi ;' in the user-config.jam.

When I run bjam --debug-configuration, it correctly works out the includes
and link line.

If I hard wire the include and link from '--debug-configuration', then I can link and run.

lib pthread ;
exe test_mpi
   : test/testmpi.cpp
   : <variant>debug:<define>DEBUG
     <linkflags>"-L/usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi/lib64 -lmpi_cxx -lmpi -lopen-rte -lopen-pal -ldl -Wl,--export-dynamic -lnsl -lutil -lm -ldl"

Is there a way to do this automatically ? ( i.e this will fail on a different platform)

Any help appreciated .

Best regards,