I'm trying to create rules to integrate PC-Lint. I encountered a problem, where a rule has a different effect depending on whether it is defined in an application Jamfile, or in a .jam module.

In lint.jam, I have:

type.register LINT : lint ;
generators.register-composing lint.lint : CPP C : LINT ;
rule init (...) { ... }
actions lint

In Jamroot, a "using" statement loads and configures lint.jam. 

using lint : 9 : lint : lint/std.lnt ;

In the application Jamfile, I have something like this:

exe myprogram : [ glob *.cpp ] ;
lint myprogram.lint  : [ glob *.cpp ] ;

To eliminate the redundancy in the Jamfile, I tried defining a rule like this in the Jamfile:

rule lint-exe ( main-target-name : sources + : requirements * : default-build * : usage-requirements * )
    local lint-target-name = "$(main-target-name).lint" ;
    exe  $(main-target-name) : $(sources) : $(requirements) : $(default-build) : $(usage-requirements) ;
    lint $(lint-target-name) : $(sources) : $(requirements) : $(default-build) : $(usage-requirements) ;

lint-exe myprogram : [ glob *.cpp ] ;

This works. I would like to collect the lintexe helper rule into lint.jam. When I do so, my application Jamfile ends up looking nicer:

import lint ;

lint.lint-exe myprogram : [ glob *.cpp ] ;

Unfortunately, the behavior has changed. The myprogram "exe" target still gets built, but not the myprogram.lint target. The lint.lint-exe rule is clearly being invoked (I double-checked by adding an ECHO statement). The myprogram EXE target gets recorded properly, but not the myprogram.lint target.

Does any boost build expert out there have any idea why?
