Here is a description of some common issues that can be seen in regression tests results:
"arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ld.exe: error: cannot find -lrt"
Some of the Android libraries (for example librt) are merged with libc. Some patches to b2 required not to add -lrt fot the platform.
"soinfo_link_image(linker.cpp:1635): could not load library "" needed by "./copy_if_test1"; caused by load_library(linker.cpp:745): library "" not found"
This is because of cross compilation - tests are compiled in Win and then copied to the emulator. This is an error in my copying script that will be fixed someday.
Some hints:
* You can check for android platform in your code using defined(__ANDROID__).
* __ANDROID__ can run on different hardware, so do not assume that it will be always ARM.
This letter is cc'ed to the boost-build because of:
* "-lrt" issues
* Is there a way to install/call_script for all the boost libraries before running the regression tests?
* specifying "<threadapi>pthread" in user-config.jam does not work
Best regards,
Antony Polukhin