We are using Boost.Build to build our software for two platforms, Linux x86 (32-bit) and PPC (32-bit).  We have a cross compiler set up for our PPC build, and so run both builds on our x86 platform using different toolset= declarations.  Additionally, for our PPC build, we specify architecture=power.

This works great for building our software, but we also have a suite of unit tests that are part of our main target, which we want to execute automatically on native platforms.

We have some wrappers set up, they look like this (but they don't quite work):

    feature.feature test-output : user report : incidental optional ;

    # a helper rule to wrap the build stuff common to all boost.test test cases
    rule run-test ( target : source : requirements * : properties * )
        if <toolset>gcc-ppc
            link $(source) boost_unit_test_framework $(requirements) : <define>BOOST_TEST_NO_MAIN <define>BOOST_TEST_MODULE=$(source:B) : $(target) ;
            run $(source) boost_unit_test_framework $(requirements) : $(properties) : : <define>BOOST_TEST_NO_MAIN <define>BOOST_TEST_MODULE=$(source:B) : $(target) :  ;

    # pass this rule a list of *.test.cpp files, and it will build and run
    # each one as an individual unit test executable,
    # pass library requirements, if any, as the second parameter
    rule tss-test ( sources + : requirements * : properties * )
        local TEST_TARGETS = ;
        for local t in $(sources)
            if <test-output>report in $(properties)
                local target = $(t:B).report ;
                run-test $(target) : $(t) : $(requirements) : $(properties) --log_format=XML --log_level=all --log_sink=bin/$(target).xml ;
                TEST_TARGETS += $(target) ;

                local target = $(t:B) ;
                run-test $(target)        : $(t) : $(requirements) : $(properties) --log_format=HRF --log_level=warning --log_sink=bin/$(target).log ;
                TEST_TARGETS += $(target) ;
        return $(TEST_TARGETS) ;

We use the 'test-output' feature to control whether unit test results are printed in a human readable format or in XML format for Jenkins.  The $(sources) argument to tss-test contains a list of source files, each of which is a Boost.Test suite that is to be built and run on its own.

What we need is some way to differentiate whether we're building with the native compiler (toolset=gcc, and so, can run the unit tests and capture the output) or with the cross-compiler (toolset=gcc-ppc architecture=power, so we can verify that the tests link, but so that we don't try to run them).

Obviously, the if <toolset>gcc-ppc check in run test doesn't work -- it always returns true (the value of the string literal).  What we can't figure out is how we can check the value of that toolset variable in a way that will let us use the 'link' rule in one case and the 'run' rule in the other case.  We've tried using conditional properties (eg: <architecture>power:<build>no), but can't figure out how to evaluate the conditional and check it when invoking the rule.

The only idea we have at this point is to create a wrapper script that will somehow know to execute the test only if it's a natively-built executable, but this seems inelegant, we'd like to find a way to express it in the jamfiles directly.

Is there something we're missing?  Is the value of <toolset> available programatically, so we can check it at some point when creating these rules?

We love Boost.Build, and are hoping to make it work for us without a host of workarounds.

Thank you in advance,