Dear Sir,

I've spent few days to make this [1] works, still have no success.
It was found that this directory doesn't exist:  boost_1_57_0/tools/build/v2
Is this a bug?

Below is the error message.

boost_1_57_0/libs/python/example/tutorial $ bjam
Unable to load Boost.Build: could not find build system.
/home/activecat/download/boost_1_57_0/libs/python/example/boost-build.jam attempted to load the build system by invoking

   'boost-build ../../../tools/build/v2 ;'

but we were unable to find "bootstrap.jam" in the specified directory
or in BOOST_BUILD_PATH (searching /home/activecat/download/boost_1_57_0/libs/python/example/../../../tools/build/v2, /home/activecat/download/boost_1_57_0).
