VC\WPSDK\WP81 does not exist on my computer. There is no WPSDK directory in C:\Program files
(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC. Tough there is a script vcvarsphoneall.bat in C:\Program files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\WPSDK\WP80. That’s the only file with that name on my computer.
Running b2 with
b2 toolset=msvc-11.0 variant=release architecture=arm windows-api=phone
seems to work “better”. I still see errors but they are related to missing header files. In my stage/lib I now have .lib files for atomic, chrono, container, date_time, exception, math, serialisation, signals,
system, and thread.
I tried to use the libs for system and thread in a Windows Phone 8.1 app but that does not work. The linker complains about a mismatch in _MSC_VER (1700 and 1800).
The info dialog in Visual Studio has an item “Windows Phone 8.1 SDK-Integration” in the list of installed products. Any hint on what I can do here?