I'm confused by the following:
Suppose I declare in a *.jam file a target as follows:
type.register CS : cs ;
type.register CSEXE : exe ;
generators.register-composing csc.make-exe : CS : CSEXE ;
feature reference : : free path dependency ;
flags csc.make-exe CSREFERENCE <reference> ;
actions make-exe bind CSREFERENCE
csc -target:exe -r:$(CSREFERENCE) -out:$(<) $(>)
rule link
DEPENDS $(<) : [ on $(<) return $(CS_REFERENCE) ] ;
and a Jamfile that has this:
csexe test : test.cs
: <reference>../distribution/shared.dll
and I do "b2 test" inside that directory
Naively, I would think that the action would expand to
csc target:exe -r:../distribution/shared.dll ....
which is what I want.
However, what I am really getting, based on the error messages is:
csc target:exe -r:bin/darwin-4.2.1/release/address-model-64/threading-multi/../distribution/shared.dll ....
What am I doing wrong?