I’ve running the test suite for multiple libraries by launching b2 in the <boost_root>/status directory, with fairly convoluted arguments.


source  ./vxworks_env.sh &&  cd status   &&  \

                              BOOST_TELNET_ADDR=""  \

                              LAYER_SRC_PATH="bkuhlfedora:VSBSim32/usr/src/BOOST/boost_1_59_0" \

nice ../b2 -j1 --prefix=/opt/vx7/workspace/VSBSim32/usr/root --libdir=/opt/vx7/workspace/VSBSim32/usr/lib/common --includedir=/opt/vx7/workspace/VSBSim32/usr/h/public   \

                  link=static toolset=gcc-vxworks target-os=vxworks "testing.launcher=./vxworks_boost_test_run.exp" \




My machine isn’t the quickest, so I’d like to come back and look at a summary of the results, but I don’t find one anywhere?

The web site mentions library_test.sh, but I don’t find that in my install?





Brian Kuhl