
I’m trying to add some logic to boost_1_59_0/libs/locale/Jamefile.v2 to look for the  ICU library in a different location.

But it’s not working.

Is there a debug setting that lets me see these early configuration tests exact output, I can’t find a log file?


Many thanks for help with this question and previous ones,


Brian Kuhl

Wind River



Here’s what I have so far, additions in bold, starting around line 57:


ICU_PATH =  [ modules.peek : ICU_PATH ] ;

ICU_LINK =  [ modules.peek : ICU_LINK ] ;

local local_libdir = [ option.get libdir ] ;


if $(ICU_LINK)


    ICU_OPTS = <include>$(ICU_PATH)/include <linkflags>$(ICU_LINK) <dll-path>$(ICU_PATH)/bin <runtime-link>shared ;

    ICU64_OPTS = <include>$(ICU_PATH)/include <linkflags>$(ICU_LINK) <dll-path>$(ICU_PATH)/bin64 <runtime-link>shared ;




    searched-lib icuuc : :  <name>icuuc



                            <target-os>vxworks ;


    explicit icuuc ;


    ICU_OPTS =   


      <linkflags>-licuuc ;



    searched-lib icuuc : :  <name>icuuc



                            <runtime-link>shared ;