On Tuesday, October 18, 2016, Raffi Enficiaud <raffi.enficiaud@mines-paris.org> wrote:
In the rules I have, I end up writing a lot of colons

[ boost.test-self-test run : test-organization-ts : test_unit-order-shuffled-test : : : : : : $(requirements_boost_test_full_support) ]

just for accessing the index of the argument.

Is there something like named argument instead of positional?

Not at the moment. Although it's something that I've recently thought about for future dev [1]. Some aspects of b2 simulate named args. For example, in project declarations the args start with a name as the first item on each arg. Which, if this is something that you want now you could do the same in any rules you make.

[1] <https://trello.com/c/6AsAS7Dd>
