I just came across this article on feature updates for their compiler during the VS2017 lifetime, I thought the section talking about version numbers might be of interest to the boost build maintainers and boost config maintainers. 

The blog post can be found here:

The interesting part about version numbers is three-quarters of the way down the post, under the "MSVC toolset version number increases to 14.12".

The table that they have there is also illuminating:

Visual Studio Version   |   MSVC Toolset Version  |  _MSC_VER
VS2015 and updates 1, 2, & 3 | v140 in VS; version 14.00 | 1900
VS2017, Version 15.1 & 15.2  | v141 in VS; version 14.10 | 1910
VS2017, Version 15.3 & 15.4  | v141 in VS; version 14.11 | 1911
VS2017, Version 15.5         | v141 in VS; version 14.12 | 1912

Just wanted to give people a heads-up that this is something that may be encountered in the wild soon.
