On 06.02.2018 18:08, Steven Watanabe via Boost-build wrote:

Any other changes I need to make, either to code or build logic, somewhere ?

- python-tag is used by libraries that depend on python (I think
  mpi has python bindings).  Make sure that the library naming
  makes sense for those as well.

For now I intend to overwrite the `python-tag` rule inside Boost.Python, so no other Boost component will be affected. If that change is successfully completed, I may submit a similar PR to Boost.MPI (so the build logic change and the auto-linking code change are combined into one). Once both are complete, it's time to move the `python-tag` upstream, into the root repo.
- --layout=system should probably continue using the current
  naming scheme (python/python3)
- boostcpp.jam in develop has code to use an old naming scheme.
  --layout=versioned-1.66 should use the old names.  (This
  is only intended to make updating Boost less painful
  whenever we change library naming.).
I haven't found any code related to "--layout=versioned-1.66", I only see https://github.com/boostorg/boost/blob/master/boostcpp.jam#L124-L130. Can you point me to any code (or documentation) describing what you have in mind ?



      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...