
Has anyone built a recent version of Boost for QNX 7?  If so I've love to get the pre-built binaries.  I've tried myself but when I ran the example, I eneded up with this error:

sh: ./<appName>: Attempting to exec a shared lib

This is how I built Boost on my QNX 7.0 (Hosted on W10):

my user-config.jam:
using qcc : x86 : : <cxxflags>"-Vgcc_ntox86 -Y_cxx" <linkflags>"-Vgcc_ntox86 -Y_cxx -lang-c++" ;

.\b2 toolset=qcc-x86 target-os=qnxnto link=static

The resulting libs seem to have the correct naming format:

Any help greatly appreciated.
