Hi !

B2 homepage looks rather pretty indeed.

Have anyone ever considered to create SDK style project for C++ support ?

I by myself was using both - C++ and C# in my own projects, and I found C# / SDK style project as much easier to use than cmake.
Of course B2 is slightly different than cmake, but I think at the end it will also generate some sort of build files.

For Windows / Visual studio build files are nice, but it's easier just to pass information from files to Visual Studio.

I have posted similar kind of comment to cmake forums: https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/20227#note_898893

And I see two ways help C++ to evolve - one is visual studio specific using c# / props files / project in C++/SDK style,
another is to help C++ to become scriptable.

I think first approach might be more realistic than second one.

-- Have a nice day!

On Monday, March 8, 2021, 05:34:52 PM GMT+2, René Ferdinand Rivera Morell via Boost-build <boost-build@lists.boost.org> wrote:

As some of you may have noticed, B2 has a new home outside the Boost organization at <https://www.bfgroup.xyz/b2/>. The goal of the move is to elevate B2 development above the constraints of the Boost structure. I.e. to make B2 not just the build system that Boost uses.

The biggest change to make happen is that last week the B2 fork at <https://github.com/bfgroup/b2> became the base git repo of all existing B2 git repos. And hence it means that the git repo <https://github.com/boostorg/build> is now a fork. What does this mean going forward?

This that will not change:

* Boost will still get the build system from the same git repo as it does now.
* The B2 documentation will still be included in the Boost releases.

What will change (eventually), or has already changed:

* Development has moved to the new B2 git repo. And hence PRs for B2 will need to be posted to the new repo.
* The B2 mail list at <https://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost-build> will be replaced by the GitHub discussion forums at <https://github.com/bfgroup/b2/discussions>.
* The B2 version in Boost will be updated from the base git repo for releases of the B2 base only. I.e. a B2 release will get merged to the Boost develop branch. And from there to the master branch.
* The Boost testing of B2 reported at <https://www.boost.org/development/tests/develop/developer/summary.html> will stop showing (and hence running) B2 tests.The testing has already moved to cloud CI. And expanded to cover more platforms than Boost usually tests.
* The B2 web site at <https://boostorg.github.io/build/> will go away.
* The issues at <https://github.com/boostorg/build/issues> will eventually go away (once I deal with enough of them).

-- René Ferdinand Rivera Morell
-- Don't Assume Anything  -- No Supone Nada
-- Robot Dreams - http://robot-dreams.net

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