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Subject: Re: [Boost-cmake] CDash for boost CMake
From: Biddiscombe, John A. (biddisco_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-11-13 11:27:43

> > beneficial to me would be a windows box and a mac; I have plenty of

I have done a git pull and built boost from cmake. I have two problems

1) there were 2768 (or similar) tests which was just too much, so I have disabled static/debug and just left release/shared options. When running

Ctest -E Experimental

I'm getting <extract from output>

Start processing tests

Configure project

Cannot find ConfigureCommand key in the DartConfiguration.tcl

Cannot find file: D:/cmakebuild/boost-git/DartConfiguration.tcl

Build project

Cannot find MakeCommand key in the DartConfiguration.tcl

Cannot find file: D:/cmakebuild/boost-git/DartConfiguration.tcl

Test project D:/cmakebuild/boost-git

  1/1754 Testing units-test_predicates Passed

  2/1754 Testing units-test_negative_denominato Passed

  3/1754 Testing units-test_dimensionless_ice1 Passed

  4/1754 Testing units-test_dimensionless_ice2 Passed

  5/1754 Testing units-test_mixed_value_types Passed

  6/1754 Testing units-test_complicated_system Passed

  7/1754 Testing units-test_dimensionless_quant Passed

  8/1754 Testing units-test_implicit_conversion Passed

  9/1754 Testing units-test_quantity Passed

 10/1754 Testing units-test_unit Passed

 11/1754 Testing units-test_base_dimension Passed

 12/1754 Testing units-test_absolute Passed

 13/1754 Testing units-test_default_conversion Passed

 14/1754 Testing units-test_cmath Passed

 15/1754 Testing units-test_limits Passed

</extract from output>

So the DartConfiguration is not being picked up.

I edited my CTestConfig in the root folder to look like this


set(CTEST_DROP_LOCATION "/CDashPublic/submit.php?project=Boost")

i.e. I edited the drop location tags to point to the new dashboard.

Can anyone advise on the correct settings to ensure Dart/CTest is getting the correct settings. To me Dart is dead and Ctest lives, so something is looking in the wrong place for test settings (DartConfiguration.tcl). It's been a while since I did much dashboard work so I've forgotten the correct settings.

If I get it working, then I'm setting my machine to do a nightly build.

Windows XP, 32 bit. Visual studio 2008.


John Biddiscombe,                            email:biddisco @
CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre  | Tel:  +41 (91) 610.82.07
Via Cantonale, 6928 Manno, Switzerland      | Fax:  +41 (91) 610.82.82

Boost-cmake list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at