Yes, I'm using your 1.40.0 distribution from I downloaded it about a week ago, so it does not include the October 8 commits.  I'll try the latest revision today sometime.

Has the CMake build system been tested with CMake 2.8/2.9?  This error does not occur if I use CMake 2.6.4, just the CMake nightly builds.


Justin Holewinski

On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 11:30 AM, troy d. straszheim <> wrote:
Justin Holewinski wrote:

Thanks!  The dependency error is fixed on Windows with the latest nightly binary.  However, this version of CMake seems to break the Boost install target.  Running "make install" results in errors from not finding libs/preprocessor/include/boost in the source tree, which does not exist.  

This error is in boost-cmake, I believe.  Are you using a boost-cmake distribution per this page:



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Justin Holewinski