Hello Bill,

2010/10/7 Bill Hoffman <bill.hoffman@kitware.com>
I am trying to build git://gitorious.org/~zeuner/boost/zeuners-boost-cmake.git, branch 1.44.0.
I am getting some build errors 

For the packaging of Boost 1.44.0 on the upcoming Fedora 14 (and RedHat 6)(see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=607615 and https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/F14Boost144 for more details), we have used a small fork of Isidor's repository, namely: http://gitorious.org/~denisarnaud/boost/denisarnauds-zeuners-boost-cmake/commits/cmake-1.44.0 , as Isidor's branch for 1.44.0 did not match the (non-CMake-related) source code eventually released by upstream Boost (https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/browser/tags/release/Boost_1_44_0).

The fork we used has been rebuilt from scratch with a clean upstream base, on top of which the CMake-related framework (thanks to the work of Isidor Zeuner and, before him, Troy D. Straszheim) has been added back.

Hope that helps.
