2011/9/21 Mateusz Loskot <mateusz@loskot.net>
On 21/09/11 15:44, Denis Arnaud wrote:
I use the SVN-to-Git service from the Ryppl initiative, and follow the Ryppl's
mailing-list (pretty quiet lately).

Denis, what service you mean exactly?

The service allowing the Boost Subversion repository (http://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/) to be propagated/replicated to the following GitHub repository: https://github.com/ryppl/boost-svn.

I particularly use the "trunk" and "release" branches, as well as each new release branch (tag under Boost Subversion, e.g., http://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/tags/release/Boost_1_47_0/, mapped onto the corresponding Git tag/branch: https://github.com/ryppl/boost-svn/tree/Boost_1_47_0 and https://github.com/pocb/boost/tree/pristine-1.47.0).

Kind regards
