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Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r59320 - branches/quickbook-1.5-spirit2
From: daniel_james_at_[hidden]
Date: 2010-01-27 17:06:25

Author: danieljames
Date: 2010-01-27 17:06:24 EST (Wed, 27 Jan 2010)
New Revision: 59320

And make it a cpp file.
   branches/quickbook-1.5-spirit2/syntax_highlight.cpp (contents, props changed)
      - copied, changed from r59319, /branches/quickbook-1.5-spirit2/syntax_highlight.hpp

Copied: branches/quickbook-1.5-spirit2/syntax_highlight.cpp (from r59319, /branches/quickbook-1.5-spirit2/syntax_highlight.hpp)

Deleted: branches/quickbook-1.5-spirit2/syntax_highlight.hpp
--- branches/quickbook-1.5-spirit2/syntax_highlight.hpp 2010-01-27 17:06:24 EST (Wed, 27 Jan 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (c) 2002 2004 2006 Joel de Guzman
- Copyright (c) 2004 Eric Niebler
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
- License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_core.hpp>
-#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_auxiliary.hpp>
-#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_string.hpp>
-#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_directive.hpp>
-#include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>
-#include "actions_class.hpp"
-#include "parse_types.hpp"
-#include "grammars.hpp"
-#include "phrase.hpp"
-namespace quickbook
- struct code_token
- {
- std::string text;
- char const* type;
- };
- struct space
- {
- std::string text;
- char const* dummy;
- };
- void process(quickbook::actions& actions, code_token const& x)
- {
- std::string type = x.type;
- if(type == "space") {
- actions.phrase << x.text;
- }
- else {
- actions.phrase << "<phrase role=\"" << x.type << "\">";
- detail::print_string(x.text, actions.phrase.get());
- actions.phrase << "</phrase>";
- }
- }
- quickbook::code_token,
- (std::string, text)
- (char const*, type)
-namespace quickbook
- namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
- using boost::spirit::unused_type;
- struct parse_escaped_impl
- {
- parse_escaped_impl(quickbook::actions& actions)
- : actions(actions) {}
- void operator()(boost::iterator_range<iterator> escaped, unused_type, unused_type) const {
- bool unused;
- phrase_grammar common(actions, unused);
- iterator first = escaped.begin(), last = escaped.end();
- while(first != last) {
- if(!qi::parse(first, last, common)) {
- actions.plain_char(*first, 0, 0);
- ++first;
- }
- }
- }
- quickbook::actions& actions;
- };
- // Grammar for C++ highlighting
- struct cpp_highlight : public qi::grammar<iterator>
- {
- cpp_highlight(quickbook::actions& actions)
- : cpp_highlight::base_type(program), actions(actions)
- , parse_escaped(actions)
- {
- program
- =
- *( space
- | macro
- | escape
- | preprocessor
- | comment
- | keyword
- | identifier
- | special
- | string_
- | char_
- | number
- | unexpected
- ) [actions.process]
- ;
- macro =
- ( actions.macro // must not be followed by
- >> !(qi::alpha | '_') // alpha or underscore
- )
- ;
- escape =
- "``" >> (
- (qi::raw[+(qi::char_ - "``")] >> "``")
- [parse_escaped]
- | qi::raw[*qi::char_] [actions.error]
- )
- ;
- space
- = qi::raw[+qi::space]
- >> qi::attr("space");
- preprocessor
- = qi::raw[
- '#' >> *qi::space
- >> ((qi::alpha | '_') >> *(qi::alnum | '_'))
- ]
- >> qi::attr("preprocessor")
- ;
- comment
- = qi::raw[
- qi::lit("//") >> *(qi::char_ - qi::eol) >> -qi::eol
- | qi::lit("/*") >> *(qi::char_ - "*/") >> -qi::lit("*/")
- ]
- >> qi::attr("comment")
- ;
- keyword
- = qi::raw[keyword_ >> !(qi::alnum | '_')]
- >> qi::attr("keyword")
- ; // make sure we recognize whole words only
- keyword_
- = "and_eq", "and", "asm", "auto", "bitand", "bitor",
- "bool", "break", "case", "catch", "char", "class",
- "compl", "const_cast", "const", "continue", "default",
- "delete", "do", "double", "dynamic_cast", "else",
- "enum", "explicit", "export", "extern", "false",
- "float", "for", "friend", "goto", "if", "inline",
- "int", "long", "mutable", "namespace", "new", "not_eq",
- "not", "operator", "or_eq", "or", "private",
- "protected", "public", "register", "reinterpret_cast",
- "return", "short", "signed", "sizeof", "static",
- "static_cast", "struct", "switch", "template", "this",
- "throw", "true", "try", "typedef", "typeid",
- "typename", "union", "unsigned", "using", "virtual",
- "void", "volatile", "wchar_t", "while", "xor_eq", "xor"
- ;
- special
- = +qi::char_("~!%^&*()+={[}]:;,<.>?/|\\-")
- >> qi::attr("special")
- ;
- string_char = ('\\' >> qi::char_) | (qi::char_ - '\\');
- string_
- = qi::raw[
- -qi::no_case['l']
- >> '"' >> *(string_char - '"') >> -qi::lit('"')
- ]
- >> qi::attr("string")
- ;
- char_ =
- qi::raw[
- -qi::no_case['l']
- >> '\'' >> *(string_char - '\'') >> -qi::lit('\'')
- ]
- >> qi::attr("char")
- ;
- number
- = qi::raw
- [
- (
- qi::no_case["0x"] >> qi::hex
- | '0' >> qi::oct
- | qi::long_double
- )
- >> *qi::no_case[qi::char_("ldfu")]
- ]
- >> qi::attr("number")
- ;
- identifier
- = qi::raw[(qi::alpha | '_') >> *(qi::alnum | '_')]
- >> qi::attr("identifier")
- ;
- // TODO: warn user?
- unexpected
- = qi::raw[qi::char_]
- >> qi::attr("error")
- ;
- }
- qi::rule<iterator> program, escape, string_char;
- qi::rule<iterator, quickbook::macro()> macro;
- qi::rule<iterator, code_token()>
- space, preprocessor, comment, special, string_,
- char_, number, identifier, keyword, unexpected;
- quickbook::actions& actions;
- qi::symbols<> keyword_;
- parse_escaped_impl parse_escaped;
- std::string save;
- };
- // Grammar for Python highlighting
- // See also: The Python Reference Manual
- //
- struct python_highlight : public qi::grammar<iterator>
- {
- python_highlight(quickbook::actions& actions)
- : python_highlight::base_type(program), actions(actions)
- , parse_escaped(actions)
- {
- program
- =
- *( space
- | macro
- | escape
- | comment
- | keyword
- | identifier
- | special
- | string_
- | number
- | unexpected
- ) [actions.process]
- ;
- macro =
- ( actions.macro // must not be followed by
- >> !(qi::alpha | '_') // alpha or underscore
- )
- ;
- escape =
- "``" >> (
- (qi::raw[+(qi::char_ - "``")] >> "``")
- [parse_escaped]
- | qi::raw[*qi::char_] [actions.error]
- )
- ;
- space
- = qi::raw[+qi::space]
- >> qi::attr("space");
- comment
- = qi::raw[
- '#' >> *(qi::char_ - qi::eol) >> -qi::eol
- ]
- >> qi::attr("comment")
- ;
- keyword
- = qi::raw[keyword_ >> !(qi::alnum | '_')]
- >> qi::attr("keyword")
- ; // make sure we recognize whole words only
- keyword_
- =
- "and", "del", "for", "is", "raise",
- "assert", "elif", "from", "lambda", "return",
- "break", "else", "global", "not", "try",
- "class", "except", "if", "or", "while",
- "continue", "exec", "import", "pass", "yield",
- "def", "finally", "in", "print",
- // Technically "as" and "None" are not yet keywords (at Python
- // 2.4). They are destined to become keywords, and we treat them
- // as such for syntax highlighting purposes.
- "as", "None"
- ;
- special
- = +qi::char_("~!%^&*()+={[}]:;,<.>/|\\-")
- >> qi::attr("special")
- ;
- string_prefix
- = qi::no_case[qi::string("u") >> - qi::string("r")]
- ;
- string_
- = qi::raw[
- -string_prefix
- >> (long_string | short_string)
- ]
- >> qi::attr("string")
- ;
- string_char = ('\\' >> qi::char_) | (qi::char_ - '\\');
- short_string
- = qi::lit('\'') >> *(string_char - '\'') >> -qi::lit('\'') |
- qi::lit('"') >> *(string_char - '"') >> -qi::lit('"')
- ;
- long_string
- = qi::lit("'''") >> *(string_char - "'''") >> -qi::lit("'''") |
- qi::lit("\"\"\"") >> *(string_char - "\"\"\"") >> -qi::lit("\"\"\"")
- ;
- number
- = qi::raw[
- (
- qi::no_case["0x"] >> qi::hex
- | '0' >> qi::oct
- | qi::long_double
- )
- >> *qi::no_case[qi::char_("lj")]
- ]
- >> qi::attr("number")
- ;
- identifier
- = qi::raw[(qi::alpha | '_') >> *(qi::alnum | '_')]
- >> qi::attr("identifier")
- ;
- // TODO: warn user?
- unexpected
- = qi::raw[qi::char_]
- >> qi::attr("error")
- ;
- }
- qi::rule<iterator>
- program, string_prefix, short_string, long_string,
- escape, string_char;
- qi::rule<iterator, quickbook::macro()> macro;
- qi::rule<iterator, code_token()>
- space, comment, special, string_,
- number, identifier, keyword, unexpected;
- quickbook::actions& actions;
- qi::symbols<> keyword_;
- parse_escaped_impl parse_escaped;
- std::string save;
- };
- // Grammar for plain text (no actual highlighting)
- struct teletype_highlight : public qi::grammar<iterator>
- {
- teletype_highlight(quickbook::actions& actions)
- : teletype_highlight::base_type(program), actions(actions)
- , parse_escaped(actions)
- {
- program
- =
- *( macro [actions.process]
- | escape
- | qi::char_ [actions.plain_char]
- )
- ;
- macro =
- ( actions.macro // must not be followed by
- >> !(qi::alpha | '_') // alpha or underscore
- )
- ;
- escape =
- "``" >> (
- (qi::raw[+(qi::char_ - "``")] >> "``")
- [parse_escaped]
- | qi::raw[*qi::char_] [actions.error]
- )
- ;
- }
- qi::rule<iterator> program, escape;
- qi::rule<iterator, quickbook::macro()> macro;
- quickbook::actions& actions;
- parse_escaped_impl parse_escaped;
- std::string save;
- };
- std::string syntax_highlight::operator()(iterator first, iterator last) const
- {
- escape_actions.phrase.push();
- // print the code with syntax coloring
- if (source_mode == "c++")
- {
- cpp_highlight cpp_p(escape_actions);
- parse(first, last, cpp_p);
- }
- else if (source_mode == "python")
- {
- python_highlight python_p(escape_actions);
- parse(first, last, python_p);
- }
- else if (source_mode == "teletype")
- {
- teletype_highlight teletype_p(escape_actions);
- parse(first, last, teletype_p);
- }
- else
- {
- }
- std::string str;
- escape_actions.phrase.swap(str);
- escape_actions.phrase.pop();
- return str;
- }

Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at