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Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r60924 - in branches/release: . boost boost/algorithm/string boost/archive boost/asio boost/asio/detail boost/asio/ip boost/bimap boost/config boost/detail boost/filesystem boost/functional/hash boost/fusion boost/graph boost/integer boost/interprocess boost/intrusive boost/iostreams boost/math boost/numeric/ublas boost/program_options boost/property_tree boost/python boost/regex boost/serialization boost/signals boost/signals2 boost/spirit boost/spirit/home boost/spirit/home/karma boost/spirit/home/support boost/statechart boost/system boost/thread boost/tr1 boost/type_traits boost/unordered boost/utility boost/uuid boost/variant boost/wave doc libs libs/array/doc libs/array/test libs/asio/doc libs/bimap libs/config libs/filesystem libs/functional/hash libs/fusion libs/graph_parallel libs/integer libs/interprocess libs/intrusive libs/iostreams libs/math libs/math/doc/sf_and_dist libs/mpl/doc/refmanual libs/mpl/doc/src/refmanual libs/numeric/ublas libs/numeric/ublas/doc libs/program_options libs/property_tree libs/python libs/regex libs/regex/doc libs/serialization libs/signals libs/signals2 libs/spirit libs/spirit/classic/example libs/spirit/doc libs/spirit/example libs/spirit/phoenix libs/spirit/test libs/spirit/test/qi libs/statechart libs/static_assert libs/system libs/thread libs/thread/doc libs/timer libs/tr1 libs/type_traits libs/unordered libs/utility libs/uuid libs/wave more people status tools tools/bcp tools/boostbook tools/build/v2 tools/inspect tools/quickbook tools/regression tools/release tools/wave wiki
From: chris_at_[hidden]
Date: 2010-03-29 21:20:41

Author: chris_kohlhoff
Date: 2010-03-29 21:20:37 EDT (Mon, 29 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 60924

Merge from trunk.

  r60869 | chris_kohlhoff | 2010-03-27 21:54:44 +1100 (Sat, 27 Mar 2010) | 2 lines
  Always call ioctl on underlying descriptor when modifying blocking mode. Refs #3307.
  r60882 | chris_kohlhoff | 2010-03-28 09:22:59 +1100 (Sun, 28 Mar 2010) | 12 lines
  Change the resolver implementation to no longer require the typedefs
  InternetProtocol::resolver_query and InternetProtocol::resolver_iterator,
  as neither typedef is part of the documented InternetProtocol requirements.
  The following typedefs are now marked as deprecated:
  - ip::icmp::resolver_query
  - ip::icmp::resolver_iterator
  - ip::tcp::resolver_query
  - ip::tcp::resolver_iterator
  - ip::udp::resolver_query
  - ip::udp::resolver_iterator
  r60883 | chris_kohlhoff | 2010-03-28 10:04:56 +1100 (Sun, 28 Mar 2010) | 2 lines
  Fix unused variable warnings.
  r60921 | chris_kohlhoff | 2010-03-30 10:51:15 +1100 (Tue, 30 Mar 2010) | 2 lines
  Document basic_resolver_query's constructor arguments.
  r60922 | chris_kohlhoff | 2010-03-30 10:55:00 +1100 (Tue, 30 Mar 2010) | 3 lines
  Work around an apparent doxygen bug to show template parameter lists on
  inherited member functions.
  r60923 | chris_kohlhoff | 2010-03-30 10:57:25 +1100 (Tue, 30 Mar 2010) | 2 lines
  Regenerate documentation.

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   branches/release/libs/asio/doc/reference.qbk | 530 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
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   14 files changed, 689 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)

Modified: branches/release/boost/asio/basic_socket_streambuf.hpp
--- branches/release/boost/asio/basic_socket_streambuf.hpp (original)
+++ branches/release/boost/asio/basic_socket_streambuf.hpp 2010-03-29 21:20:37 EDT (Mon, 29 Mar 2010)
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@
 // init_buffers();
 // boost::system::error_code ec;
 // this->basic_socket<Protocol, StreamSocketService>::close(ec);
-// typedef typename Protocol::resolver_query resolver_query;
+// typedef typename Protocol::resolver resolver_type;
+// typedef typename resolver_type::query resolver_query;
 // resolver_query query(x1, ..., xn);
 // resolve_and_connect(query, ec);
 // return !ec ? this : 0;
@@ -65,7 +66,8 @@
     init_buffers(); \
     boost::system::error_code ec; \
     this->basic_socket<Protocol, StreamSocketService>::close(ec); \
- typedef typename Protocol::resolver_query resolver_query; \
+ typedef typename Protocol::resolver resolver_type; \
+ typedef typename resolver_type::query resolver_query; \
     resolver_query query(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, x)); \
     resolve_and_connect(query, ec); \
     return !ec ? this : 0; \
@@ -259,7 +261,7 @@
       boost::system::error_code& ec)
     typedef typename Protocol::resolver resolver_type;
- typedef typename Protocol::resolver_iterator iterator_type;
+ typedef typename resolver_type::iterator iterator_type;
     resolver_type resolver(
     iterator_type i = resolver.resolve(query, ec);

Modified: branches/release/boost/asio/detail/reactive_descriptor_service.hpp
--- branches/release/boost/asio/detail/reactive_descriptor_service.hpp (original)
+++ branches/release/boost/asio/detail/reactive_descriptor_service.hpp 2010-03-29 21:20:37 EDT (Mon, 29 Mar 2010)
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
       // The descriptor has been set non-blocking.
       internal_non_blocking = 2,
- // Helper "flag" used to determine whether the socket is non-blocking.
+ // Helper "flag" used to determine whether the descriptor is non-blocking.
       non_blocking = user_set_non_blocking | internal_non_blocking
@@ -214,19 +214,31 @@
       return ec;
- if ( == static_cast<int>(FIONBIO))
+ descriptor_ops::ioctl(impl.descriptor_,,
+ static_cast<ioctl_arg_type*>(, ec);
+ // When updating the non-blocking mode we always perform the ioctl syscall,
+ // even if the flags would otherwise indicate that the descriptor is
+ // already in the correct state. This ensures that the underlying
+ // descriptor is put into the state that has been requested by the user. If
+ // the ioctl syscall was successful then we need to update the flags to
+ // match.
+ if (!ec && == static_cast<int>(FIONBIO))
- if (command.get())
+ if (*static_cast<ioctl_arg_type*>(
+ {
         impl.flags_ |= implementation_type::user_set_non_blocking;
+ }
- impl.flags_ &= ~implementation_type::user_set_non_blocking;
- ec = boost::system::error_code();
- }
- else
- {
- descriptor_ops::ioctl(impl.descriptor_,,
- static_cast<ioctl_arg_type*>(, ec);
+ {
+ // Clearing the non-blocking mode always overrides any internally-set
+ // non-blocking flag. Any subsequent asynchronous operations will need
+ // to re-enable non-blocking I/O.
+ impl.flags_ &= ~(implementation_type::user_set_non_blocking
+ | implementation_type::internal_non_blocking);
+ }
     return ec;

Modified: branches/release/boost/asio/detail/reactive_socket_service.hpp
--- branches/release/boost/asio/detail/reactive_socket_service.hpp (original)
+++ branches/release/boost/asio/detail/reactive_socket_service.hpp 2010-03-29 21:20:37 EDT (Mon, 29 Mar 2010)
@@ -445,43 +445,30 @@
       return ec;
- if ( == static_cast<int>(FIONBIO))
+ socket_ops::ioctl(impl.socket_,,
+ static_cast<ioctl_arg_type*>(, ec);
+ // When updating the non-blocking mode we always perform the ioctl
+ // syscall, even if the flags would otherwise indicate that the socket is
+ // already in the correct state. This ensures that the underlying socket
+ // is put into the state that has been requested by the user. If the ioctl
+ // syscall was successful then we need to update the flags to match.
+ if (!ec && == static_cast<int>(FIONBIO))
- // Flags are manipulated in a temporary variable so that the socket
- // implementation is not updated unless the ioctl operation succeeds.
- unsigned char new_flags = impl.flags_;
       if (*static_cast<ioctl_arg_type*>(
- new_flags |= implementation_type::user_set_non_blocking;
- else
- new_flags &= ~implementation_type::user_set_non_blocking;
- // Perform ioctl on socket if the non-blocking state has changed.
- if (!(impl.flags_ & implementation_type::non_blocking)
- && (new_flags & implementation_type::non_blocking))
- {
- ioctl_arg_type non_blocking = 1;
- socket_ops::ioctl(impl.socket_, FIONBIO, &non_blocking, ec);
- }
- else if ((impl.flags_ & implementation_type::non_blocking)
- && !(new_flags & implementation_type::non_blocking))
- ioctl_arg_type non_blocking = 0;
- socket_ops::ioctl(impl.socket_, FIONBIO, &non_blocking, ec);
+ impl.flags_ |= implementation_type::user_set_non_blocking;
- ec = boost::system::error_code();
+ // Clearing the non-blocking mode always overrides any internally-set
+ // non-blocking flag. Any subsequent asynchronous operations will need
+ // to re-enable non-blocking I/O.
+ impl.flags_ &= ~(implementation_type::user_set_non_blocking
+ | implementation_type::internal_non_blocking);
- // Update socket implementation's flags only if successful.
- if (!ec)
- impl.flags_ = new_flags;
- }
- else
- {
- socket_ops::ioctl(impl.socket_,,
- static_cast<ioctl_arg_type*>(, ec);
     return ec;

Modified: branches/release/boost/asio/detail/resolver_service.hpp
--- branches/release/boost/asio/detail/resolver_service.hpp (original)
+++ branches/release/boost/asio/detail/resolver_service.hpp 2010-03-29 21:20:37 EDT (Mon, 29 Mar 2010)
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
 #include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
 #include <boost/asio/io_service.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/ip/basic_resolver_iterator.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/ip/basic_resolver_query.hpp>
 #include <boost/asio/detail/bind_handler.hpp>
 #include <boost/asio/detail/fenced_block.hpp>
 #include <boost/asio/detail/mutex.hpp>
@@ -81,10 +83,10 @@
   typedef typename Protocol::endpoint endpoint_type;
   // The query type.
- typedef typename Protocol::resolver_query query_type;
+ typedef boost::asio::ip::basic_resolver_query<Protocol> query_type;
   // The iterator type.
- typedef typename Protocol::resolver_iterator iterator_type;
+ typedef boost::asio::ip::basic_resolver_iterator<Protocol> iterator_type;
   // Constructor.
   resolver_service(boost::asio::io_service& io_service)

Modified: branches/release/boost/asio/detail/win_iocp_handle_service.hpp
--- branches/release/boost/asio/detail/win_iocp_handle_service.hpp (original)
+++ branches/release/boost/asio/detail/win_iocp_handle_service.hpp 2010-03-29 21:20:37 EDT (Mon, 29 Mar 2010)
@@ -698,6 +698,8 @@
       impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ = ::GetCurrentThreadId();
     else if (impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ != ::GetCurrentThreadId())
       impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ = ~DWORD(0);
+ (void)impl;
 #endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO)

Modified: branches/release/boost/asio/detail/win_iocp_socket_service.hpp
--- branches/release/boost/asio/detail/win_iocp_socket_service.hpp (original)
+++ branches/release/boost/asio/detail/win_iocp_socket_service.hpp 2010-03-29 21:20:37 EDT (Mon, 29 Mar 2010)
@@ -1934,6 +1934,8 @@
       impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ = ::GetCurrentThreadId();
     else if (impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ != ::GetCurrentThreadId())
       impl.safe_cancellation_thread_id_ = ~DWORD(0);
+ (void)impl;
 #endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO)

Modified: branches/release/boost/asio/ip/basic_resolver.hpp
--- branches/release/boost/asio/ip/basic_resolver.hpp (original)
+++ branches/release/boost/asio/ip/basic_resolver.hpp 2010-03-29 21:20:37 EDT (Mon, 29 Mar 2010)
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
 #include <boost/asio/basic_io_object.hpp>
 #include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/ip/basic_resolver_iterator.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/ip/basic_resolver_query.hpp>
 #include <boost/asio/ip/resolver_service.hpp>
 #include <boost/asio/detail/throw_error.hpp>
@@ -48,10 +50,10 @@
   typedef typename InternetProtocol::endpoint endpoint_type;
   /// The query type.
- typedef typename InternetProtocol::resolver_query query;
+ typedef basic_resolver_query<InternetProtocol> query;
   /// The iterator type.
- typedef typename InternetProtocol::resolver_iterator iterator;
+ typedef basic_resolver_iterator<InternetProtocol> iterator;
   /// Constructor.

Modified: branches/release/boost/asio/ip/basic_resolver_query.hpp
--- branches/release/boost/asio/ip/basic_resolver_query.hpp (original)
+++ branches/release/boost/asio/ip/basic_resolver_query.hpp 2010-03-29 21:20:37 EDT (Mon, 29 Mar 2010)
@@ -47,6 +47,22 @@
   typedef InternetProtocol protocol_type;
   /// Construct with specified service name for any protocol.
+ /**
+ * This constructor is typically used to perform name resolution for local
+ * service binding.
+ *
+ * @param service_name A string identifying the requested service. This may
+ * be a descriptive name or a numeric string corresponding to a port number.
+ *
+ * @param resolve_flags A set of flags that determine how name resolution
+ * should be performed. The default flags are suitable for local service
+ * binding.
+ *
+ * @note On POSIX systems, service names are typically defined in the file
+ * <tt>/etc/services</tt>. On Windows, service names may be found in the file
+ * <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\services</tt>. Operating systems
+ * may use additional locations when resolving service names.
+ */
   basic_resolver_query(const std::string& service_name,
       resolver_query_base::flags resolve_flags = passive | address_configured)
     : hints_(),
@@ -65,6 +81,25 @@
   /// Construct with specified service name for a given protocol.
+ /**
+ * This constructor is typically used to perform name resolution for local
+ * service binding with a specific protocol version.
+ *
+ * @param protocol A protocol object, normally representing either the IPv4 or
+ * IPv6 version of an internet protocol.
+ *
+ * @param service_name A string identifying the requested service. This may
+ * be a descriptive name or a numeric string corresponding to a port number.
+ *
+ * @param resolve_flags A set of flags that determine how name resolution
+ * should be performed. The default flags are suitable for local service
+ * binding.
+ *
+ * @note On POSIX systems, service names are typically defined in the file
+ * <tt>/etc/services</tt>. On Windows, service names may be found in the file
+ * <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\services</tt>. Operating systems
+ * may use additional locations when resolving service names.
+ */
   basic_resolver_query(const protocol_type& protocol,
       const std::string& service_name,
       resolver_query_base::flags resolve_flags = passive | address_configured)
@@ -83,6 +118,36 @@
   /// Construct with specified host name and service name for any protocol.
+ /**
+ * This constructor is typically used to perform name resolution for
+ * communication with remote hosts.
+ *
+ * @param host_name A string identifying a location. May be a descriptive name
+ * or a numeric address string. If an empty string and the passive flag has
+ * been specified, the resolved endpoints are suitable for local service
+ * binding. If an empty string and passive is not specified, the resolved
+ * endpoints will use the loopback address.
+ *
+ * @param service_name A string identifying the requested service. This may
+ * be a descriptive name or a numeric string corresponding to a port number.
+ * May be an empty string, in which case all resolved endpoints will have a
+ * port number of 0.
+ *
+ * @param resolve_flags A set of flags that determine how name resolution
+ * should be performed. The default flags are suitable for communication with
+ * remote hosts.
+ *
+ * @note On POSIX systems, host names may be locally defined in the file
+ * <tt>/etc/hosts</tt>. On Windows, host names may be defined in the file
+ * <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts</tt>. Remote host name
+ * resolution is performed using DNS. Operating systems may use additional
+ * locations when resolving host names (such as NETBIOS names on Windows).
+ *
+ * On POSIX systems, service names are typically defined in the file
+ * <tt>/etc/services</tt>. On Windows, service names may be found in the file
+ * <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\services</tt>. Operating systems
+ * may use additional locations when resolving service names.
+ */
   basic_resolver_query(const std::string& host_name,
       const std::string& service_name,
       resolver_query_base::flags resolve_flags = address_configured)
@@ -102,6 +167,39 @@
   /// Construct with specified host name and service name for a given protocol.
+ /**
+ * This constructor is typically used to perform name resolution for
+ * communication with remote hosts.
+ *
+ * @param protocol A protocol object, normally representing either the IPv4 or
+ * IPv6 version of an internet protocol.
+ *
+ * @param host_name A string identifying a location. May be a descriptive name
+ * or a numeric address string. If an empty string and the passive flag has
+ * been specified, the resolved endpoints are suitable for local service
+ * binding. If an empty string and passive is not specified, the resolved
+ * endpoints will use the loopback address.
+ *
+ * @param service_name A string identifying the requested service. This may
+ * be a descriptive name or a numeric string corresponding to a port number.
+ * May be an empty string, in which case all resolved endpoints will have a
+ * port number of 0.
+ *
+ * @param resolve_flags A set of flags that determine how name resolution
+ * should be performed. The default flags are suitable for communication with
+ * remote hosts.
+ *
+ * @note On POSIX systems, host names may be locally defined in the file
+ * <tt>/etc/hosts</tt>. On Windows, host names may be defined in the file
+ * <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts</tt>. Remote host name
+ * resolution is performed using DNS. Operating systems may use additional
+ * locations when resolving host names (such as NETBIOS names on Windows).
+ *
+ * On POSIX systems, service names are typically defined in the file
+ * <tt>/etc/services</tt>. On Windows, service names may be found in the file
+ * <tt>c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\services</tt>. Operating systems
+ * may use additional locations when resolving service names.
+ */
   basic_resolver_query(const protocol_type& protocol,
       const std::string& host_name, const std::string& service_name,
       resolver_query_base::flags resolve_flags = address_configured)

Modified: branches/release/boost/asio/ip/icmp.hpp
--- branches/release/boost/asio/ip/icmp.hpp (original)
+++ branches/release/boost/asio/ip/icmp.hpp 2010-03-29 21:20:37 EDT (Mon, 29 Mar 2010)
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@
   /// The type of a ICMP endpoint.
   typedef basic_endpoint<icmp> endpoint;
- /// The type of a resolver query.
+ /// (Deprecated: use resolver::query.) The type of a resolver query.
   typedef basic_resolver_query<icmp> resolver_query;
- /// The type of a resolver iterator.
+ /// (Deprecated: use resolver::iterator.) The type of a resolver iterator.
   typedef basic_resolver_iterator<icmp> resolver_iterator;
   /// Construct to represent the IPv4 ICMP protocol.

Modified: branches/release/boost/asio/ip/resolver_service.hpp
--- branches/release/boost/asio/ip/resolver_service.hpp (original)
+++ branches/release/boost/asio/ip/resolver_service.hpp 2010-03-29 21:20:37 EDT (Mon, 29 Mar 2010)
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
 #include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
 #include <boost/asio/io_service.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/ip/basic_resolver_iterator.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/ip/basic_resolver_query.hpp>
 #include <boost/asio/detail/resolver_service.hpp>
 #include <boost/asio/detail/service_base.hpp>
@@ -49,10 +51,10 @@
   typedef typename InternetProtocol::endpoint endpoint_type;
   /// The query type.
- typedef typename InternetProtocol::resolver_query query_type;
+ typedef basic_resolver_query<InternetProtocol> query_type;
   /// The iterator type.
- typedef typename InternetProtocol::resolver_iterator iterator_type;
+ typedef basic_resolver_iterator<InternetProtocol> iterator_type;
   // The type of the platform-specific implementation.

Modified: branches/release/boost/asio/ip/tcp.hpp
--- branches/release/boost/asio/ip/tcp.hpp (original)
+++ branches/release/boost/asio/ip/tcp.hpp 2010-03-29 21:20:37 EDT (Mon, 29 Mar 2010)
@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@
   /// The type of a TCP endpoint.
   typedef basic_endpoint<tcp> endpoint;
- /// The type of a resolver query.
+ /// (Deprecated: use resolver::query.) The type of a resolver query.
   typedef basic_resolver_query<tcp> resolver_query;
- /// The type of a resolver iterator.
+ /// (Deprecated: use resolver::iterator.) The type of a resolver iterator.
   typedef basic_resolver_iterator<tcp> resolver_iterator;
   /// Construct to represent the IPv4 TCP protocol.

Modified: branches/release/boost/asio/ip/udp.hpp
--- branches/release/boost/asio/ip/udp.hpp (original)
+++ branches/release/boost/asio/ip/udp.hpp 2010-03-29 21:20:37 EDT (Mon, 29 Mar 2010)
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@
   /// The type of a UDP endpoint.
   typedef basic_endpoint<udp> endpoint;
- /// The type of a resolver query.
+ /// (Deprecated: use resolver::query.) The type of a resolver query.
   typedef basic_resolver_query<udp> resolver_query;
- /// The type of a resolver iterator.
+ /// (Deprecated: use resolver::iterator.) The type of a resolver iterator.
   typedef basic_resolver_iterator<udp> resolver_iterator;
   /// Construct to represent the IPv4 UDP protocol.

Modified: branches/release/libs/asio/doc/reference.qbk
--- branches/release/libs/asio/doc/reference.qbk (original)
+++ branches/release/libs/asio/doc/reference.qbk 2010-03-29 21:20:37 EDT (Mon, 29 Mar 2010)
@@ -2622,6 +2622,8 @@
 Start an asynchronous connect.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.ConnectHandler ConnectHandler]``>
   void async_connect(
       const endpoint_type & peer_endpoint,
       ConnectHandler handler);
@@ -4386,6 +4388,8 @@
 Get an option from the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.GettableSocketOption GettableSocketOption]``>
   void get_option(
       GettableSocketOption & option) const;
@@ -4443,6 +4447,8 @@
 Get an option from the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.GettableSocketOption GettableSocketOption]``>
   boost::system::error_code get_option(
       GettableSocketOption & option,
       boost::system::error_code & ec) const;
@@ -4556,6 +4562,8 @@
 Perform an IO control command on the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.IoControlCommand IoControlCommand]``>
   void io_control(
       IoControlCommand & command);
@@ -4613,6 +4621,8 @@
 Perform an IO control command on the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.IoControlCommand IoControlCommand]``>
   boost::system::error_code io_control(
       IoControlCommand & command,
       boost::system::error_code & ec);
@@ -6890,6 +6900,8 @@
 Set an option on the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.SettableSocketOption SettableSocketOption]``>
   void set_option(
       const SettableSocketOption & option);
@@ -6946,6 +6958,8 @@
 Set an option on the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.SettableSocketOption SettableSocketOption]``>
   boost::system::error_code set_option(
       const SettableSocketOption & option,
       boost::system::error_code & ec);
@@ -8918,6 +8932,8 @@
 Start an asynchronous connect.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.ConnectHandler ConnectHandler]``>
   void async_connect(
       const endpoint_type & peer_endpoint,
       ConnectHandler handler);
@@ -10682,6 +10698,8 @@
 Get an option from the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.GettableSocketOption GettableSocketOption]``>
   void get_option(
       GettableSocketOption & option) const;
@@ -10739,6 +10757,8 @@
 Get an option from the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.GettableSocketOption GettableSocketOption]``>
   boost::system::error_code get_option(
       GettableSocketOption & option,
       boost::system::error_code & ec) const;
@@ -10852,6 +10872,8 @@
 Perform an IO control command on the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.IoControlCommand IoControlCommand]``>
   void io_control(
       IoControlCommand & command);
@@ -10909,6 +10931,8 @@
 Perform an IO control command on the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.IoControlCommand IoControlCommand]``>
   boost::system::error_code io_control(
       IoControlCommand & command,
       boost::system::error_code & ec);
@@ -13186,6 +13210,8 @@
 Set an option on the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.SettableSocketOption SettableSocketOption]``>
   void set_option(
       const SettableSocketOption & option);
@@ -13242,6 +13268,8 @@
 Set an option on the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.SettableSocketOption SettableSocketOption]``>
   boost::system::error_code set_option(
       const SettableSocketOption & option,
       boost::system::error_code & ec);
@@ -22254,6 +22282,8 @@
 Start an asynchronous connect.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.ConnectHandler ConnectHandler]``>
   void async_connect(
       const endpoint_type & peer_endpoint,
       ConnectHandler handler);
@@ -23306,6 +23336,8 @@
 Get an option from the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.GettableSocketOption GettableSocketOption]``>
   void get_option(
       GettableSocketOption & option) const;
@@ -23363,6 +23395,8 @@
 Get an option from the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.GettableSocketOption GettableSocketOption]``>
   boost::system::error_code get_option(
       GettableSocketOption & option,
       boost::system::error_code & ec) const;
@@ -23476,6 +23510,8 @@
 Perform an IO control command on the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.IoControlCommand IoControlCommand]``>
   void io_control(
       IoControlCommand & command);
@@ -23533,6 +23569,8 @@
 Perform an IO control command on the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.IoControlCommand IoControlCommand]``>
   boost::system::error_code io_control(
       IoControlCommand & command,
       boost::system::error_code & ec);
@@ -25067,6 +25105,8 @@
 Set an option on the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.SettableSocketOption SettableSocketOption]``>
   void set_option(
       const SettableSocketOption & option);
@@ -25123,6 +25163,8 @@
 Set an option on the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.SettableSocketOption SettableSocketOption]``>
   boost::system::error_code set_option(
       const SettableSocketOption & option,
       boost::system::error_code & ec);
@@ -25843,6 +25885,8 @@
 Start an asynchronous connect.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.ConnectHandler ConnectHandler]``>
   void async_connect(
       const endpoint_type & peer_endpoint,
       ConnectHandler handler);
@@ -27477,6 +27521,8 @@
 Get an option from the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.GettableSocketOption GettableSocketOption]``>
   void get_option(
       GettableSocketOption & option) const;
@@ -27534,6 +27580,8 @@
 Get an option from the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.GettableSocketOption GettableSocketOption]``>
   boost::system::error_code get_option(
       GettableSocketOption & option,
       boost::system::error_code & ec) const;
@@ -27647,6 +27695,8 @@
 Perform an IO control command on the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.IoControlCommand IoControlCommand]``>
   void io_control(
       IoControlCommand & command);
@@ -27704,6 +27754,8 @@
 Perform an IO control command on the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.IoControlCommand IoControlCommand]``>
   boost::system::error_code io_control(
       IoControlCommand & command,
       boost::system::error_code & ec);
@@ -29751,6 +29803,8 @@
 Set an option on the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.SettableSocketOption SettableSocketOption]``>
   void set_option(
       const SettableSocketOption & option);
@@ -29807,6 +29861,8 @@
 Set an option on the socket.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.SettableSocketOption SettableSocketOption]``>
   boost::system::error_code set_option(
       const SettableSocketOption & option,
       boost::system::error_code & ec);
@@ -42231,7 +42287,76 @@
 The iterator type.
- typedef InternetProtocol::resolver_iterator iterator;
+ typedef basic_resolver_iterator< InternetProtocol > iterator;
+[heading Member Functions]
+ [[Name][Description]]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_iterator.basic_resolver_iterator [*basic_resolver_iterator]]]
+ [Default constructor creates an end iterator. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_iterator.create [*create]]]
+ [Create an iterator from an addrinfo list returned by getaddrinfo.
+ Create an iterator from an endpoint, host name and service name. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_iterator.operator__star_ [*operator *]]]
+ [Dereference an iterator. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_iterator.operator_plus__plus_ [*operator++]]]
+ [Increment operator (prefix).
+ Increment operator (postfix). ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_iterator.operator_arrow_ [*operator->]]]
+ [Dereference an iterator. ]
+ ]
+[heading Friends]
+ [[Name][Description]]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_iterator.operator_not__eq_ [*operator!=]]]
+ [Test two iterators for inequality. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_iterator.operator_eq__eq_ [*operator==]]]
+ [Test two iterators for equality. ]
+ ]
+The [link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_iterator `ip::basic_resolver_iterator`] class template is used to define iterators over the results returned by a resolver.
+The iterator's value\_type, obtained when the iterator is dereferenced, is:
+ const basic_resolver_entry<InternetProtocol>
+[heading Thread Safety]
+[*Distinct] [*objects:] Safe.
+[*Shared] [*objects:] Unsafe.
@@ -42273,7 +42398,111 @@
 The query type.
- typedef InternetProtocol::resolver_query query;
+ typedef basic_resolver_query< InternetProtocol > query;
+[heading Types]
+ [[Name][Description]]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.flags [*flags]]]
+ [A bitmask type (C++ Std \[lib.bitmask.types\]). ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.protocol_type [*protocol_type]]]
+ [The protocol type associated with the endpoint query. ]
+ ]
+[heading Member Functions]
+ [[Name][Description]]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.basic_resolver_query [*basic_resolver_query]]]
+ [Construct with specified service name for any protocol.
+ Construct with specified service name for a given protocol.
+ Construct with specified host name and service name for any protocol.
+ Construct with specified host name and service name for a given protocol. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.hints [*hints]]]
+ [Get the hints associated with the query. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.host_name [*host_name]]]
+ [Get the host name associated with the query. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.service_name [*service_name]]]
+ [Get the service name associated with the query. ]
+ ]
+[heading Data Members]
+ [[Name][Description]]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.address_configured [*address_configured]]]
+ [Only return IPv4 addresses if a non-loopback IPv4 address is configured for the system. Only return IPv6 addresses if a non-loopback IPv6 address is configured for the system. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.all_matching [*all_matching]]]
+ [If used with v4_mapped, return all matching IPv6 and IPv4 addresses. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.canonical_name [*canonical_name]]]
+ [Determine the canonical name of the host specified in the query. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.numeric_host [*numeric_host]]]
+ [Host name should be treated as a numeric string defining an IPv4 or IPv6 address and no name resolution should be attempted. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.numeric_service [*numeric_service]]]
+ [Service name should be treated as a numeric string defining a port number and no name resolution should be attempted. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.passive [*passive]]]
+ [Indicate that returned endpoint is intended for use as a locally bound socket endpoint. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.v4_mapped [*v4_mapped]]]
+ [If the query protocol family is specified as IPv6, return IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses on finding no IPv6 addresses. ]
+ ]
+The [link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query `ip::basic_resolver_query`] class template describes a query that can be passed to a resolver.
+[heading Thread Safety]
+[*Distinct] [*objects:] Safe.
+[*Shared] [*objects:] Unsafe.
@@ -43268,6 +43497,27 @@
       resolver_query_base::flags resolve_flags = passive|address_configured);
+This constructor is typically used to perform name resolution for local service binding.
+[heading Parameters]
+[[service_name][A string identifying the requested service. This may be a descriptive name or a numeric string corresponding to a port number.]]
+[[resolve_flags][A set of flags that determine how name resolution should be performed. The default flags are suitable for local service binding.]]
+[heading Remarks]
+On POSIX systems, service names are typically defined in the file `/etc/services`. On Windows, service names may be found in the file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\services`. Operating systems may use additional locations when resolving service names.
@@ -43285,6 +43535,29 @@
       resolver_query_base::flags resolve_flags = passive|address_configured);
+This constructor is typically used to perform name resolution for local service binding with a specific protocol version.
+[heading Parameters]
+[[protocol][A protocol object, normally representing either the IPv4 or IPv6 version of an internet protocol.]]
+[[service_name][A string identifying the requested service. This may be a descriptive name or a numeric string corresponding to a port number.]]
+[[resolve_flags][A set of flags that determine how name resolution should be performed. The default flags are suitable for local service binding.]]
+[heading Remarks]
+On POSIX systems, service names are typically defined in the file `/etc/services`. On Windows, service names may be found in the file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\services`. Operating systems may use additional locations when resolving service names.
@@ -43302,6 +43575,29 @@
       resolver_query_base::flags resolve_flags = address_configured);
+This constructor is typically used to perform name resolution for communication with remote hosts.
+[heading Parameters]
+[[host_name][A string identifying a location. May be a descriptive name or a numeric address string. If an empty string and the passive flag has been specified, the resolved endpoints are suitable for local service binding. If an empty string and passive is not specified, the resolved endpoints will use the loopback address.]]
+[[service_name][A string identifying the requested service. This may be a descriptive name or a numeric string corresponding to a port number. May be an empty string, in which case all resolved endpoints will have a port number of 0.]]
+[[resolve_flags][A set of flags that determine how name resolution should be performed. The default flags are suitable for communication with remote hosts.]]
+[heading Remarks]
+On POSIX systems, host names may be locally defined in the file `/etc/hosts`. On Windows, host names may be defined in the file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts`. Remote host name resolution is performed using DNS. Operating systems may use additional locations when resolving host names (such as NETBIOS names on Windows).
+On POSIX systems, service names are typically defined in the file `/etc/services`. On Windows, service names may be found in the file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\services`. Operating systems may use additional locations when resolving service names.
@@ -43320,6 +43616,31 @@
       resolver_query_base::flags resolve_flags = address_configured);
+This constructor is typically used to perform name resolution for communication with remote hosts.
+[heading Parameters]
+[[protocol][A protocol object, normally representing either the IPv4 or IPv6 version of an internet protocol.]]
+[[host_name][A string identifying a location. May be a descriptive name or a numeric address string. If an empty string and the passive flag has been specified, the resolved endpoints are suitable for local service binding. If an empty string and passive is not specified, the resolved endpoints will use the loopback address.]]
+[[service_name][A string identifying the requested service. This may be a descriptive name or a numeric string corresponding to a port number. May be an empty string, in which case all resolved endpoints will have a port number of 0.]]
+[[resolve_flags][A set of flags that determine how name resolution should be performed. The default flags are suitable for communication with remote hosts.]]
+[heading Remarks]
+On POSIX systems, host names may be locally defined in the file `/etc/hosts`. On Windows, host names may be defined in the file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts`. Remote host name resolution is performed using DNS. Operating systems may use additional locations when resolving host names (such as NETBIOS names on Windows).
+On POSIX systems, service names are typically defined in the file `/etc/services`. On Windows, service names may be found in the file `c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\services`. Operating systems may use additional locations when resolving service names.
@@ -43581,14 +43902,14 @@
     [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__icmp.resolver_iterator [*resolver_iterator]]]
- [The type of a resolver iterator. ]
+ [(Deprecated: use resolver::iterator.) The type of a resolver iterator. ]
     [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__icmp.resolver_query [*resolver_query]]]
- [The type of a resolver query. ]
+ [(Deprecated: use resolver::query.) The type of a resolver query. ]
@@ -44024,7 +44345,7 @@
 [section:resolver_iterator ip::icmp::resolver_iterator]
 [indexterm2 resolver_iterator..ip::icmp]
-The type of a resolver iterator.
+(Deprecated: use `resolver::iterator`.) The type of a resolver iterator.
   typedef basic_resolver_iterator< icmp > resolver_iterator;
@@ -44114,7 +44435,7 @@
 [section:resolver_query ip::icmp::resolver_query]
 [indexterm2 resolver_query..ip::icmp]
-The type of a resolver query.
+(Deprecated: use `resolver::query`.) The type of a resolver query.
   typedef basic_resolver_query< icmp > resolver_query;
@@ -45440,7 +45761,76 @@
 The iterator type.
- typedef InternetProtocol::resolver_iterator iterator_type;
+ typedef basic_resolver_iterator< InternetProtocol > iterator_type;
+[heading Member Functions]
+ [[Name][Description]]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_iterator.basic_resolver_iterator [*basic_resolver_iterator]]]
+ [Default constructor creates an end iterator. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_iterator.create [*create]]]
+ [Create an iterator from an addrinfo list returned by getaddrinfo.
+ Create an iterator from an endpoint, host name and service name. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_iterator.operator__star_ [*operator *]]]
+ [Dereference an iterator. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_iterator.operator_plus__plus_ [*operator++]]]
+ [Increment operator (prefix).
+ Increment operator (postfix). ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_iterator.operator_arrow_ [*operator->]]]
+ [Dereference an iterator. ]
+ ]
+[heading Friends]
+ [[Name][Description]]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_iterator.operator_not__eq_ [*operator!=]]]
+ [Test two iterators for inequality. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_iterator.operator_eq__eq_ [*operator==]]]
+ [Test two iterators for equality. ]
+ ]
+The [link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_iterator `ip::basic_resolver_iterator`] class template is used to define iterators over the results returned by a resolver.
+The iterator's value\_type, obtained when the iterator is dereferenced, is:
+ const basic_resolver_entry<InternetProtocol>
+[heading Thread Safety]
+[*Distinct] [*objects:] Safe.
+[*Shared] [*objects:] Unsafe.
@@ -45482,7 +45872,111 @@
 The query type.
- typedef InternetProtocol::resolver_query query_type;
+ typedef basic_resolver_query< InternetProtocol > query_type;
+[heading Types]
+ [[Name][Description]]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.flags [*flags]]]
+ [A bitmask type (C++ Std \[lib.bitmask.types\]). ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.protocol_type [*protocol_type]]]
+ [The protocol type associated with the endpoint query. ]
+ ]
+[heading Member Functions]
+ [[Name][Description]]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.basic_resolver_query [*basic_resolver_query]]]
+ [Construct with specified service name for any protocol.
+ Construct with specified service name for a given protocol.
+ Construct with specified host name and service name for any protocol.
+ Construct with specified host name and service name for a given protocol. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.hints [*hints]]]
+ [Get the hints associated with the query. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.host_name [*host_name]]]
+ [Get the host name associated with the query. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.service_name [*service_name]]]
+ [Get the service name associated with the query. ]
+ ]
+[heading Data Members]
+ [[Name][Description]]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.address_configured [*address_configured]]]
+ [Only return IPv4 addresses if a non-loopback IPv4 address is configured for the system. Only return IPv6 addresses if a non-loopback IPv6 address is configured for the system. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.all_matching [*all_matching]]]
+ [If used with v4_mapped, return all matching IPv6 and IPv4 addresses. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.canonical_name [*canonical_name]]]
+ [Determine the canonical name of the host specified in the query. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.numeric_host [*numeric_host]]]
+ [Host name should be treated as a numeric string defining an IPv4 or IPv6 address and no name resolution should be attempted. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.numeric_service [*numeric_service]]]
+ [Service name should be treated as a numeric string defining a port number and no name resolution should be attempted. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.passive [*passive]]]
+ [Indicate that returned endpoint is intended for use as a locally bound socket endpoint. ]
+ ]
+ [
+ [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query.v4_mapped [*v4_mapped]]]
+ [If the query protocol family is specified as IPv6, return IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses on finding no IPv6 addresses. ]
+ ]
+The [link boost_asio.reference.ip__basic_resolver_query `ip::basic_resolver_query`] class template describes a query that can be passed to a resolver.
+[heading Thread Safety]
+[*Distinct] [*objects:] Safe.
+[*Shared] [*objects:] Unsafe.
@@ -45637,14 +46131,14 @@
     [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__tcp.resolver_iterator [*resolver_iterator]]]
- [The type of a resolver iterator. ]
+ [(Deprecated: use resolver::iterator.) The type of a resolver iterator. ]
     [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__tcp.resolver_query [*resolver_query]]]
- [The type of a resolver query. ]
+ [(Deprecated: use resolver::query.) The type of a resolver query. ]
@@ -46509,7 +47003,7 @@
 [section:resolver_iterator ip::tcp::resolver_iterator]
 [indexterm2 resolver_iterator..ip::tcp]
-The type of a resolver iterator.
+(Deprecated: use `resolver::iterator`.) The type of a resolver iterator.
   typedef basic_resolver_iterator< tcp > resolver_iterator;
@@ -46599,7 +47093,7 @@
 [section:resolver_query ip::tcp::resolver_query]
 [indexterm2 resolver_query..ip::tcp]
-The type of a resolver query.
+(Deprecated: use `resolver::query`.) The type of a resolver query.
   typedef basic_resolver_query< tcp > resolver_query;
@@ -47184,14 +47678,14 @@
     [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__udp.resolver_iterator [*resolver_iterator]]]
- [The type of a resolver iterator. ]
+ [(Deprecated: use resolver::iterator.) The type of a resolver iterator. ]
     [[link boost_asio.reference.ip__udp.resolver_query [*resolver_query]]]
- [The type of a resolver query. ]
+ [(Deprecated: use resolver::query.) The type of a resolver query. ]
@@ -47627,7 +48121,7 @@
 [section:resolver_iterator ip::udp::resolver_iterator]
 [indexterm2 resolver_iterator..ip::udp]
-The type of a resolver iterator.
+(Deprecated: use `resolver::iterator`.) The type of a resolver iterator.
   typedef basic_resolver_iterator< udp > resolver_iterator;
@@ -47717,7 +48211,7 @@
 [section:resolver_query ip::udp::resolver_query]
 [indexterm2 resolver_query..ip::udp]
-The type of a resolver query.
+(Deprecated: use `resolver::query`.) The type of a resolver query.
   typedef basic_resolver_query< udp > resolver_query;
@@ -53363,6 +53857,8 @@
 Perform an IO control command on the descriptor.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.IoControlCommand IoControlCommand]``>
   void io_control(
       IoControlCommand & command);
@@ -53420,6 +53916,8 @@
 Perform an IO control command on the descriptor.
+ template<
+ typename ``[link boost_asio.reference.IoControlCommand IoControlCommand]``>
   boost::system::error_code io_control(
       IoControlCommand & command,
       boost::system::error_code & ec);

Modified: branches/release/libs/asio/doc/reference.xsl
--- branches/release/libs/asio/doc/reference.xsl (original)
+++ branches/release/libs/asio/doc/reference.xsl 2010-03-29 21:20:37 EDT (Mon, 29 Mar 2010)
@@ -1205,7 +1205,18 @@
 <xsl:template name="function">
-</xsl:text><xsl:apply-templates select="templateparamlist" mode="class-detail"/>
+<xsl:variable name="doxygen-id">
+ <xsl:value-of select="@id"/>
+ <xsl:when test="count(/doxygen//memberdef[@id=$doxygen-id]/templateparamlist) = 1">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="/doxygen//memberdef[@id=$doxygen-id]/templateparamlist" mode="class-detail"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="templateparamlist" mode="class-detail"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
 <xsl:text> </xsl:text><xsl:if test="@static='yes'">static </xsl:if><xsl:if
  test="string-length(type) > 0"><xsl:value-of select="type"/><xsl:text> </xsl:text></xsl:if>
 <xsl:value-of select="name"/>(<xsl:apply-templates select="param"

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