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Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r80202 - trunk/libs/thread/doc
From: vicente.botet_at_[hidden]
Date: 2012-08-25 09:07:55

Author: viboes
Date: 2012-08-25 09:07:54 EDT (Sat, 25 Aug 2012)
New Revision: 80202

Thread: update doc
Text files modified:
   trunk/libs/thread/doc/changes.qbk | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
   trunk/libs/thread/doc/compliance.qbk | 32 ++++++++++++++++----------------
   trunk/libs/thread/doc/future_ref.qbk | 4 ++--
   3 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

Modified: trunk/libs/thread/doc/changes.qbk
--- trunk/libs/thread/doc/changes.qbk (original)
+++ trunk/libs/thread/doc/changes.qbk 2012-08-25 09:07:54 EDT (Sat, 25 Aug 2012)
@@ -8,6 +8,28 @@
 [section:changes History]
+[heading Version 3.1.0 - boost 1.52]
+New Features:
+* [@ #2361] thread_specific_ptr: document nature of the key, complexity and rationale
+* [@ #4710] C++11 compliance: : Missing async()
+Fixed Bugs:
+* [@ #2797] Two problems with thread_specific_ptr
+* [@ #5274] failed to compile future.hpp with stlport 5.1.5 under msvc8.1, because of undefined class
+* [@ #5431] compile error in Windows CE 6.0(interlocked)
+* [@ #5752] boost::call_once() is unreliable on some platforms
+* [@ #5696] win32 detail::set_tss_data does nothing when tss_cleanup_function is NULL
+* [@ #7045] Thread library does not automatically compile date_time
+* [@ #7173] wrong function name interrupt_point()
+* [@ #7200] Unable to build boost.thread modularized
+* [@ #7220 7238 gcc 4.6.2 warns about inline+dllimport functions
+* [@ #5274] this_thread::sleep_for() does not respond to interrupt()
+* [@ #7245] Minor typos on documentation related to version 3
+* [@ #7272] win32/thread_primitives.hpp: (Unneccessary) Warning
 [heading Version 3.0.1 - boost 1.51]
 New Features:

Modified: trunk/libs/thread/doc/compliance.qbk
--- trunk/libs/thread/doc/compliance.qbk (original)
+++ trunk/libs/thread/doc/compliance.qbk 2012-08-25 09:07:54 EDT (Sat, 25 Aug 2012)
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
     [[] [TimedLockable requirements] [Yes] [-] [-]]
     [[30.2.6] [decay_copy] [-] [-] [-]]
     [[30.3] [Threads] [Partial] [-] [-]]
- [[30.3.1] [Class thread] [Partial] [move,variadic,terminate] [#zzzz,#6270,#6269]]
+ [[30.3.1] [Class thread] [Partial] [move,variadic,terminate] [#6270]]
     [[] [Class thread::id] [Yes] [-] [-]]
- [[] [thread constructors] [Partial] [move,variadic] [#zzzz,#6270]]
- [[] [thread destructor] [Partial] [terminate] [#6266]]
- [[] [thread assignment] [Partial] [terminate] [#6269]]
+ [[] [thread constructors] [Partial] [move,variadic] [#6270]]
+ [[] [thread destructor] [Yes] [-] [-]]
+ [[] [thread assignment] [Yes] [-] [-]]
     [[] [thread members] [Yes] [-] [-]]
     [[] [thread static members] [Yes] [-] [-]]
     [[] [thread specialized algorithms] [Yes] [-] [-]]
@@ -53,23 +53,23 @@
     [[] [unique_lock modifiers] [Yes] [-] [-]]
     [[] [unique_lock observers] [Yes] [] [-]]
     [[30.4.3] [Generic locking algorithms] [Partial] [variadic] [#6227]]
- [[30.4.4] [Call once] [Partial] [The interface doesn't corresponds] [#6342]]
- [[] [Struct once_flag] [Partial] [interface] [#6342]]
- [[] [Function call_once] [Partial] [interface] [#6342]]
- [[30.5] [Condition variables] [Partial] [notify_all_at_thread_exit] [#xxxx]]
- [[30.5 6-10] [Function notify_all_at_thread_exit] [No] [-] [#xxxx]]
+ [[30.4.4] [Call once] [Partial] [call_once] [#7285]]
+ [[] [Struct once_flag] [Yes] [-] [-]]
+ [[] [Function call_once] [Partial] [interface] [#7285]]
+ [[30.5] [Condition variables] [Partial] [notify_all_at_thread_exit] [#7283]]
+ [[30.5 6-10] [Function notify_all_at_thread_exit] [No] [-] [#7283]]
     [[30.5.1] [Class condition_variable] [Yes] [-] [-]]
     [[30.5.2] [Class condition_variable_any] [Yes] [-] [-]]
- [[30.6] [Futures] [Partial] [-] [-]]
+ [[30.6] [Futures] [Partial] [async,at_thread_exit] [#4710,#7280]]
     [[30.6.1] [Overview] [Partial] [-] [-]]
     [[30.6.2] [Error handling] [Yes] [-] [-]]
- [[30.6.3] [Class future_error] [Yes] [-] [-]]
+ [[30.6.3] [Class future_error] [Partial] [noexcept] [#7279]]
     [[30.6.4] [Shared state] [-] [-] [-]]
- [[30.6.5] [Class template promise] [Partial] [allocator] [#6228]]
- [[30.6.6] [Class template future] [Partial] [allocator,unique_future is the closest to future, renamed in V3] [#6228]]
- [[30.6.7] [Class template shared_future] [Partial] [allocator] [#6228]]
- [[30.6.8] [Function template async] [No] [async] [#4710]]
- [[30.6.9] [Class template packaged_task] [Partial] [move] [#yyyy]]
+ [[30.6.5] [Class template promise] [Partial] [at_thread_exit] [#7280]]
+ [[30.6.6] [Class template future] [Yes] [-] [-]]
+ [[30.6.7] [Class template shared_future] [Yes] [-] [-]]
+ [[30.6.8] [Function template async] [Partial] [deferred not implemented and only a copyable functor is allowed yet] [#4710]]
+ [[30.6.9] [Class template packaged_task] [Partial] [args,make_ready_at_thread_exit] [#7281,#7282]]

Modified: trunk/libs/thread/doc/future_ref.qbk
--- trunk/libs/thread/doc/future_ref.qbk (original)
+++ trunk/libs/thread/doc/future_ref.qbk 2012-08-25 09:07:54 EDT (Sat, 25 Aug 2012)
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
     class packaged_task;
     template <class R> void swap(packaged_task<R>&, packaged_task<R>&) noexcept;
- //template <class R, class Alloc>
- //struct uses_allocator<packaged_task <R>, Alloc>; // NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
+ template <class R, class Alloc>
+ struct uses_allocator<packaged_task <R>, Alloc>;
     // template <class F, class... Args>
     // future<typename result_of<typename decay<F>::type(typename decay<Args>::type...)>::type>

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