Le 20/02/15 20:54, JOAQUIN M. LOPEZ MUÑOZ a écrit :

The folks at biicode (biicode.com), a C/C++ dependency manager, have just
announced support for Boost:


Biicode allows for easy multiplatform component tracking and builiding
thanks to their file-based dependency detection and CMake autogeneration
magic. Now, these capabilities can be used to make it easier to work with
Boost libraries.

Thanks Joaquin for the announce.

I was wondering if we couldn't use it as a starting point of our modularization activity.
Some questions:
* Is the file-based dependency manager what Boost is looking for its own module dependencies detection?
* Could an author state explicitly its dependencies on other libraries (versions)?
* It Biicode open source?
* How its CMake autogeneration and bjam interact?
