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Subject: Re: [Boost-mpi] Using broadcast with an intercommunicator
From: Ed Figura (e.figura_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-02-02 07:01:49

Thanks for the advice. I am using a wrapper around Boost MPI to simplify some of our message communication. My stumbling block was how to use the serialisation library for generic messages. I eventually managed to figure out (with help) how to pack/unpack the data objects in a generic way using devices and binary archives. My wrapper checks whether the communicator is inter or intra: if the former, it packs/unpacks the data and uses MPI_BCast(); otherwise it simply uses the Boost broadcast() call.

-----Original Message-----
From: Boost-mpi [mailto:boost-mpi-bounces_at_[hidden]] On Behalf Of Alain Miniussi
Sent: 02 February 2017 07:18
To: Discussion of Boost.MPI development
Subject: Re: [Boost-mpi] Using broadcast with an intercommunicator

Boost.MPI is just a layer/facade on top of plain MPI, you can retrieve a MPI_Comm from an mpi::communicator and use raw MPI with it.

It is also possible, for complex data, to serialize it through de serialization library and then send the archive as an array of bytes.

On 01/02/2017 21:02, Ed Figura wrote:
> Hi. I'm trying to use broadcast() with an intercommunicator. This is not working and having looked at the code (1.55) I can see why. Can anyone suggest a workaround (short of raw MPI!)?
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